Interprofessional Education in Patient-Centered Medical Homes
This book discusses the application of complex adaptive systems theory to the design and evaluation of patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs). The three defining goals of PCMHs are to spread patient-care roles among healthcare team members, focus on disease prevention and include the patient in the healthcare team. It explains why some PCMH pilots are highly successful while others do not show much benefit, covers specific sub-theories that allow for bracketing of different aspects of the clinic system and highlights strategies by which institutions can engage in this process.
Promoting interprofessional understandings through online learning: a qualitative examination
Interprofessional education is increasingly a core component of health professional curricula. It has been suggested that interprofessional education can directly enhance patient care outcomes. However, literature has reported many difficulties in its successful implementation. This study investigated students' perceptions of participating in an online, Web-based module to facilitate interprofessional education.
Introduction of an interprofessional oral health curriculum
Physician assistants can incorporate a variety of oral health services into their practices, but many physician assistant programs do not dedicate adequate time to oral health education. Our goal was to develop a novel and interprofessional oral health education curriculum model for our physician assistant students that could be adopted by other physician assistant programs and dental schools in the United States.
Dental and allied dental students’ attitudes towards and perceptions of intraprofessional education
Interprofessional and intraprofessional learning opportunities in health professions education are vital to emphasize evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and cost-effectiveness in patients’ oral health care. The aim of this study was to assess dental, dental hygiene, and dental assisting students’ readiness for intraprofessional education and to evaluate their attitudes towards and perceptions of intraprofessional teamwork, communication, respect, and understanding of professional roles.
Tools to investigate how interprofessional education activities link to competencies
Integrating interprofessional education (IPE) activities and curricular components in health professions education has been emphasized recently by the inclusion of accreditation standards across disciplines. The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) established IPE competencies in 2009, but evaluating how activities link to competencies has not been investigated in depth. The purpose of this project is to investigate how well two IPE activities align with IPEC competencies.
A pilot study to test the effectiveness of an innovative interprofessional education assessment strategy
The goals of this quasi-experimental pilot study were to test an assessment tool designed to evaluate students' teamwork skills, and to assess the effectiveness of an interprofessional education (IPE) course. Participants were health professional students (physical therapy, pharmacy, dental and osteopathic medicine) 24 of whom were second-year students who had previously taken part in an IPE course (experimental group), and 22 of whom were third years that had not (control group).
Practice site readiness for interprofessional education (PRIPE): instrument development and pilot study
To describe the development and pilot study of the Practice Site Readiness for Interprofessional Education (PRIPE) instrument.
Impact of an Interprofessional Teaching Clinic on Preventive Care Services
Background and Objectives: Recent legislative and regulatory initiatives have emphasized preventive medicine and team-based health care delivery and education. Influenced by these initiatives, the investigators created an interprofessional teaching clinic to provide preventive care services (PCS) structured around Medicare’s Annual Wellness Visit (AWV). The primary objective of this pilot study was to determine if PCS status improved for participating patients.
Interprofessional education accreditation standards in the USA: A comparative analysis
Interprofessional education (IPE) and interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP) will play a prominent role in the future of health professions' education and healthcare delivery in the USA and internationally. To assess the accreditation mandate for IPE in the USA, content analysis of IPE-related accreditation statements for all practice-level degrees in dentistry, medicine, nursing, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physical therapy, physician assistant, psychology, public health and social work was performed.
Expanding interprofessional research in the United Kingdom: A new national research group
A recent review of interprofessional education in the UK invited the Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE) to instigate discussions amongst organisations and researchers for the purpose of “establishing a group to conduct an up-to-date, broad-based worldwide systematic review of evidence for pre-qualifying interprofessional education in health and social care” (Barr, Helme, & D’Avray, 2014, p.7).