Nexus Summit Workshop 1

Workshop #1: Creating IPE Curriculum Using Bolman & Deal's Four Framework Approach

Creighton University

Nexus Innovation Network


Building Your IPE Curriculum Using the Bolmanand Deal’s Four Framework Approach


Anna Maio, Ann Ryan Haddad, Katie Packard, Joy Doll & Gail Jensen


Getting to Know Each Other


Interprofessional education (IPE) and collaborative practice exists in many forms. However, all IPE programs have commonalities which include the need for culture change and positive organizational leadership. Institutions need to create viable clinical models and a sound nexus that links IPE and collaborative practice integrated with measuring how these models achieve health outcomes of the Triple Aim.  Using Bolman and Deal’s Four Framework Approach to Leadership (structural, human resources, political or symbolic), workshop leaders will present a case exemplar of culture change at Creighton University experienced when implementing an IPE curriculum. Through case analysis, workshop leaders will explain how two of the frames influenced successes and challenges in IPE. In the political frame, we analyze how we approached resource competition, lack of understanding, gender bias and change in leadership. Analysis using the symbolic frame demonstrated how critical it is for a vision of an educational imperative that is grounded in professional formation of health professions students and institutional mission.

Modeling after the Creighton experience, participants will work in small groups to analyze their own evolving IPE curriculum to identify what insights the Bolman and Deal frames offer them. Following this experience, participants will analyze and generate strategies how IPE can be advanced when explored through culture change. Participants will leave the workshop with tools to analyze their own institution’s organizational leadership with at least three action steps to promote and enhance IPE. 

Learner Objectives:

  1. Describe Bolman and Deal’s Four Framework approach to leadership in IPE and collaborative practice;

  2. Analyze how the Four Framework approach can be applied to leadership in IPE and collaborative practice;

  3. Determine which frame in the model (structural, human resources, political or symbolic) that best fits their current challenges in IPE implementation;

  4. Develop at least 3 action steps related to the identified frame to implement in their curriculum development process.  


Bolman L.G., Deal T.E. (2003). Reframing organizations: artistry, choice and leadership. 3rd ed. San Francisco, CA. Jossey-Bass.