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Registered Nurses: Partners in Transforming Primary Care

On October 7, the Macy Foundation will hold a web conference from 1:00-2:00 pm ET to discuss new recommendations for leaders of nursing schools, primary care practices, and health systems on preparing registered nurses for enhanced roles in primary care
The recommendations stem from the June 2016 Macy Conference that brought together more than 40 leaders in nursing, primary care, healthcare delivery, philanthropy, academia and more, to generate actionable recommendations around the potential for registered nurses to help meet today’s urgent needs in primary care.

Sadie Strassman - Sep 26, 2016

National Center Update: 2016 MIPERC Annual Conference

Dr. Barbara F. Brandt presented an update on the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education at the 2016 Annual Conference of the Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center on 9-22-16 at Grand Valley State University. 

Advanced Nursing Education Cohort Engagement

Welcome to the Advanced Nursing Education Cohort Engagement page. This forum serves as a place for collaboration, discussion of best practices, troubleshooting, and networking to help you succeed in your ANE grant activities. Toward the bottom of this page, you will find various topic threads that you may use to communicate with each other.  To start us off, the following  threads are already in place: Introductions (Of PDs and Projects), Academic-Practice Partnership, and Preceptor Development.

IU-Interprofessional Education

The Indiana University Student Outreach Clinic Nexus Innovations Interprofessional Team Intervention Project 

Michael Scott - Sep 16, 2016

All Together Better Health Closing Keynote Address

Barbara Brandt delivered the closing keynote address at All Together Better Health VII on September 9, 2016 at Oxford, England. This presentation synthesized the major themes of the conference and provided recommendations for future work in preparation for All Together Better Health IV in New Zealand in 2018.

Barbara F. Brandt - Sep 13, 2016

Development of an interprofessional and interdisciplinary collaborative research practice for clinical faculty

ABSTRACT This article describes an interprofessional collaborative research practice fellowship designed to foster the research skills of clinical faculty. The year-long fellowship was grounded in big data analysis and the triangle of informatics—knowledge, information, and data. Fellows were selected to include diverse perspectives, training, and knowledge but had limited experience in team science or being a member of an interprofessional research team. The underlying philosophy of the fellowship was experiential learning.

Measuring the impact of interprofessional education on collaborative practice and patient outcomes

Interest in interprofessional education (IPE) and collaborative practice continue to grow (Frenk et al., 2010; Cox & Naylor, 2013) but whether IPE improves clinical outcomes is uncertain. A recent report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM)1 is another step toward building a solid evidence base linking IPE to patient, population, and health system outcomes (IOM, 2015). The report lays out general guidelines for designing, analysing, and reporting studies of IPE across the health professional learning continuum.