New Course! Interprofessional by Design | Registration Now Open!
The National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, and the Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (CAIPER), are pleased to announce an exciting new workshop:
Stipend and Financial Aid Issues
Hello everyone, I hope all of you are well and that you projects are off to a great start. Here at the University of North Texas, we are having a slight issue with the issuance of our stipends. Our Financial Aid Department would like to distribute the stipends in a way that impacts the amount of loans are students are receiving (reducing the amount of loans). We are aware that other universities have been able to navigate the system in a way that does not impact the alternate funds (grants, loans, scholarships) that their students receive.
Interprofessional by Design Continuing Education
Interprofessional By Design Faculty
Your Faculty
Gerri Lamb and Lesley Manson are familiar speakers at national and international interprofessional conferences. Both are members of Arizona State University’s (ASU) Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (CAIPER) Interprofessional by Design team. They have delivered workshops on high performance teamwork, optimizing integrated care and care coordination and return on investment for a number of practitioner and faculty audiences.
Interprofessional Education and Practice in Geriatrics, Special Interest Group, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting 2018
This Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting at the American Geriatrics Society 2018 Annual Scientific meeting will bring together health professionals interested in promoting interprofessional education and practice. All health professionals are welcome. This networking meeting will be at the annual meeting location: Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Hotel in Orlando, FL. Please see meeting guide an hotel signs for exact location.
27th European Diabetes Congress
With the amalgamation of peerless speakers of Diabetes 2018 Conference Series Ltd is privileged to announce its “27th European Diabetes Congress” which will be held during June 20-21, 2018 Rome, Italy. We cordially welcome all the eminent researchers, students and delegates to take part in this upcoming Diabetes congress to witness invaluable scientific discussions and contribute to the future innovations in the field of Diabetes.
Interprofessional by Design Location
Workshop Venue
Interprofessional by Design will be held at the ASU SkySong Innovation Center in Scottsdale, AZ. SkySong is a unique setting that supports a diverse community of research, technology and education organizations.
Accommodations for Interprofessional by Design is the Tempe Mission Palms.
Global Meeting on Diabetes and Endocrinology
Conference Series Ltd is organizing "Global Meeting on Diabetes and Endocrinology" during July 23-24 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Conference highlights the theme Commitment to Excellence in the field of Diabetes and Endocrinology. Endocrinology Meet 2018 is a leading platform for a focused agenda of the current research in the field of Endocrinology which includes guest lectures, Keynotes, symposiums, workshops, exhibitions, Panel discussions, poster sessions.
Common Features an Insurane Agency management System Must have
Here are the most common and needed features of an insurance agent management software works:
MDI interface
You can work simultaneously with multiple instances of the same item or open several different sections without having to close the previous one. All sections are held open by a simple drop-down control accessible at all times.
Adaptable to the user
The software allows multiple users to create and define the look and behavior of the environment that best suits your preferences. The setting is adjusted to the screen resolution to maximize the available space. You can integrate your corporate image program to provide a more professional image.
High level of security
You can set different permissions to users so that they can limit or even refuse, access to a user or group to the various items of software, data editing, reporting, etc.
Strict compliance with the Data Protection Act
The software maintains strict control and registration of each of the actions and movements of data that take place in the program environment. To a possible inspection of the Data Protection Agency may issue a detailed historical access and changes regarding the information stored in the database report.
Contact management and calendar
You can also be used independently additional module. It incorporates a versatile management of contacts, appointments, and reminders. It is a tool for planning and management groupware fully adapted to the network. During the execution schedule, the unattended module displays scheduled alerts, which can insurance - be served, postponed, etc.
Import and export data
Extensive management for receiving - and sending data from and to all types of entities, such as companies, employees, experts, etc. You can import portfolios of major companies and even define custom import formats.