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Interprofessional CPR Team Behavior Simulations: Facilitating and Debriefing

The Interprofessional Education & Practice (IPEP) CPR Team Behavior Simulations are intensive hour-long sessions training small groups of students from medicine, nursing and pharmacy to work as teams in a simulated health emergency. This video shows an interprofessional team in action followed by an in-depth debrief session.

Disaster As Training Ground: Teaching Interprofessional Collaboration Through a Simulated Pandemic

Pandemic Flu: An Exercise in Disaster Preparedness has been one of four core IPEP interprofessional exercises since 2008. In 2012, it was transformed into a mini-course to include online learning in addition to a three-hour live pandemic simulation.

The primary goal of the Pandemic Flu mini-course and simulation is to teach interprofessional teamwork and communication in a crisis situation.

In this video overview, experts including Dr. Richard Carmona, 17th Surgeon General of the United States, comment on the importance of teamwork in a health care crisis.

Pandemic Flu: An Interprofessional Exercise in Disaster Preparedness

Combining online and face-to-face learning, the IPEP Pandemic Flu mini-course underscores the importance of collaboration across professional lines.

In the fall of each year, health professions students at the University of Arizona Students participate in the mini-course and simulated pandemic where they must work in teams to address the threats and consequences of public health emergencies. The course brings together students from nursing, pharmacy, medicine, public health, law and social work.

Interprofessional Education: What is it and Why do we do it?

The phrases interprofessional education (IPE), interprofessional practice (IPP), and interprofessional collaboration (IPC) are sweeping through health professions education and health care practice, but what exactly does it all mean?

This short video defines interprofessional education and interprofessional health care, providing an overview of key historical events that have contributed to a widespread and growing adoption of IPE, IPP and IPC.

Stories from Interprofessional Practice

Practitioners from medicine, law, nursing and pharmacy share stories about interprofessional health care in practice. These short video stories were shown during the April 4, 2012 IPEP Disabilities Exercise at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center. Students from medicine, nursing, pharmacy, public health, law and ASU social work participated in the two-hour exercise.

New Resident Physician Orientation: An Interprofessional Approach

In June 2012, for the first time ever, the annual new resident physician orientation at University of Arizona Medical Center (UAMC) featured an interprofessional hands-on session for over 200 incoming residents and fellows in 25 specialties.

This short video includes photos from the actual orientation and a broad overview of the event. It also includes a quick look at some of the evaluation comments from physician residents who participated.

Interprofessional Education: Large-Scale Learning Events

The University of Arizona IPEP program plans, organizes and hosts four large-scale interprofessional education (IPE ) activities, or mini-courses, each school year. This video provides and overview of what happens on the day of a large-scale IPE event, from start to finish. Images in the video are from the IPEP mini-course, Professionalism for Patient Safety.

Interprofessional Pediatric Simulation Training

The Arizona Simulation Technology and Education Center (ASTEC) at The University of Arizona College of Medicine provides innovative technology and approaches for interprofessional education.

This video demonstrates the following IPE skills: clear messages, closed loop communication, clear roles and responsibilities, knowing one's limitations, knowledge sharing, constructive intervention, re-evaluation and summarizing, and mutual respect.

Interprofessional Education & Practice at University of Arizona

An overview and history of Interprofessional Education & Practice (IPEP) at the University of Arizona, including comments from the Deans of the four health sciences colleges - Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing and Public Health. The video was shown at the opening plenary session of the third biennial Collaborating Across Borders conference, which was held in Tucson, Arizona in November 2011.

Interprofessional Training in a Simulated Emergency

The Interprofessional Education and Practice (IPEP) CPR Team Behavior Simulations are intensive hour-long sessions training small groups of students from medicine, nursing and pharmacy to work as teams in a simulated health emergency. This video shows an interprofessional student team in action.