Measuring attitudes related to interdisciplinary training: Revisiting the Heinemann, Schmitt and Farrell 'attitudes toward health care teams' scale

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Submitted by National Center... on Nov 24, 2014 - 4:31pm CST

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Journal Article

Summary Findings from an exploratory factor analysis on the 21 item 'attitudes towards health care teams' (Heinemann et al. , 1999) are reported. Using data collected as part of an innovative educational program on geriatric team training program in the United States we report an exploratory factor analyses for 913 student trainees. The geriatric interdisciplinary team training (GITT) program funded by a United States philanthropic foundation, The John A. Hartford Foundation of New York City, requires medicine, nursing, and social work students to learn about geriatric teams. A 3-factor solution with all 21-items is obtained. These factors are labeled to reflect normative team constructs: team value, team efficiency and shared leadership. Though conceptually these factors map onto those identified by Heinemann et al. (1999), some important philosophical and methodological differences are noted. Implications for interdisciplinary education and for the construct validity of this scale are discussed.

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Kathryn Hyer
Susan Fairchild
Ivo Abraham
Mathy Mezey
Terry Fulmer
Assessment & Evaluation
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning
Outcomes-based Evaluation Tools