Romanow – Not just some strolling player
The Romanow Commission (November, 2002) may be an event of the past, but in a number of different venues the work needed to set in place changes recommended by Romanow is just beginning. The most visible is the formation of the national Health Council, announced in December 2003, to be chaired by Michael Decter.
Assessing patients perspective?
Looks like there is a lot in the interprofessional literature on assessing the practioners or students perspective on IPE, but I was wondering if anyone had suggestions about survey tools that assess the patients' perspective on interprofessionalism whether in the context of percieved teamwork or communication skills.
Not sure if there are validated surveys on patient perspective of teamwork/communication, but I am sharing two links below to surveys that touch on these issues, but it would be great to hear what others have used or come across.
Interdisciplinary Healing Circles: Ethnographic Research
My 8-year ethographic study of interdisciplinary healing circles was recently published in the July 2014 issue of Global Advances in Health and Medicine, and I'm happy to share a pdf (send email to
University of Kansas Medical Center to join Nexus Innovations Incubator Network
National Center has announced that The University of Kansas will be the next site for its Nexus Innovations Incubator that tests new models and methods of integrating practice and education. The incubator, which now has sites in ten states, focuses on applied testing of interprofessional strategies with the potential to:
Improve the quality of experience for people, families, communities, and learners
Share responsibility for achieving health outcomes and improving education
Percentage of Time Spent on IPE for leaders in Academia
I am trying to find out information about staffing for IPE in health sciences programs at smaller academic institutions. If you are an IPE director or head (other titles are probably applicable as well), at an institution that I would consider small (enrollment around 4000-8000) could you please tell me how much of your time is spent on your IPE efforts? For example, something like 60% teaching and 40% IPE leadership. We are trying to do some in house recruiting and are just gathering information.
Prospects for Care Coordination Measurement Using Electronic Data Sources
Care coordination has been recognized as a priority area for improving health care delivery in the U.S. Robust measures of care coordination processes will be essential tools to evaluate, guide, and support efforts to understand and improve deficits in care coordination.
Medical Teamwork and Patient Safety: The Evidence-based Relation
The science of team performance and training can help the medical community improve patient safety. This report, commissioned by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), assesses the status of relevant team training research from aviation and other domains and applies this research to the field of medicine. It additionally provides a comprehensive review and evaluation of current medical team training initiatives and their effectiveness.
Guide to Patient and Family Engagement: Environmental Scan Report
This project promotes patient and family engagement in hospital settings by developing, implementing, and evaluating the Guide to Patient and Family Engagement: Enhancing the Quality and Safety of Hospital Care (hereafter referred to as the Guide). The Guide includes tools, materials, and/or training for patients, family members, health professionals (e.g., hospital clinicians, staff), hospital leaders, and those who will implement the materials in the Guide.