The Leadership Summit for Women: Leading the Future of Academic Medicine and Healthcare
This one-day women’s leadership development summit accelerates high-potential women leaders with the skills and knowledge they—and their organizations—need to succeed. This summit will consist of networking, keynotes and skill-building sessions for women leaders in health care and academic medicine.
Registration is now open. Please visit the conference website for additional information
SBIRT for Alcohol and Other Drug Use: An Interprofessional Conference
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is a public health and evidence-based practice used to identify, reduce and prevent problematic use, abuse and dependence on alcohol and illicit drugs. The SBIRT model calls for interprofessional, widespread and community-based screening for health risk behaviors. This conference is geared toward health care professionals using interprofessional collaboration to enhance patient wellness.
TeamSTEPPS National Conference
Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS) is an evidence-based set of teamwork tools, aimed at optimizing patient outcomes by improving communication and teamwork skills among health care professionals. The conference will feature a variety of speakers, discussing topics related to teamwork and health care in a professional setting.
Registration for the free conference is now open. Please visit the TeamSTEPPS website for additional information.
ABSAME 45th Anniversary Meeting
ABSAME is working to more rapidly, creatively and strategically train the next generation of practitioners. This meeting, focusing on IPECP, is designed to help individuals network with other health professions educators engaged in developing dynamic patient-centered heath care curricula. Registration is now open. Please visit the ABSAME website for additional information.
Call for Abstracts: Southeastern IPE Conference
Organizers are currently accepting abstract proposals for poster presentations that are examples of interprofessional practice, interprofessional care of multiple chronic conditions, innovations in interprofessional education and practice, IPE implementation and growth, IPE scholarship and IPE team functionality. Read the guidelines and learn more about the conference, held in Pigeon Forge, Tenn., on June 11, on the conference website.
Deadline: March 31
Call for Abstracts: SBIRT for Alcohol and Other Drug Use: An Interprofessional Conference
Health care educators are invited to submit an abstract on projects relevant to Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) for alcohol and other drug use in primary care, hospitals, dental offices and other interprofessional health care settings. Read the guidelines and learn more about the conference, held June 9-10, on the conference website.
Deadline: March 1
Call for Presentations: ABSAME 45th Anniversary Meeting
The Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education (ABSAME) is accepting presentation abstracts for its annual meeting “Linking the Arts and Sciences to Promote Patient-Centered Care.” Presentations should be relevant to the creative and strategic training of practitioners, as well as other areas relevant to the behavioral sciences and health professions education in general. Read the guidelines and learn more about the meeting, held October 15-17, on their website.