Women’s Health in the Health Science Curriculum: An Interprofessional Collaborative Approach
Presentation given in March 2015 at the 2015 Women’s Health in Interprofessional Education symposium.
Interprofessional Spotlight: Integrating Women’s Health
Integrating women’s health throughout the curriculum is a challenge for all the health professions, but strategies and resources to support curricular change in this area are emerging.
This blog posts discusses examples of IPE in women's health including Midwestern University College of Pharmacy-Glendale, Laura W. Bush Institute for Women's Health, and Howard University Women's Health Institute.
National Academies of Practice 2016 Annual Meeting & Forum
The theme of this year's conference is Interprofessional Practice and Education: Embracing Transformational Change.
Fourth Annual Emswiller Interprofessional Symposium: Leading Interprofessional Innovations in a Changing World
The changing healthcare environment requires frontline innovation from healthcare providers to improve the health of the population, decrease the cost of care, and enhance the patient experience. Providers must be leaders to achieve these goals. In this year’s symposium, attendees will learn from experts in interprofessional leadership about how to turn great ideas into great accomplishments. Topics will span the continuum from education of healthcare providers to practice-based intervention proven to create a healthier society.
Interprofessional Collaboration: The Impact on Eliminating Individual Silos and Meeting Industry Goals
December 2015 HealthLeaders Article featuring Barbara Brandt and the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education.
National Center Ambassador Training
After participating in this training, attendees can consider themselves ambassadors for the National Center. Attendees will receive an overview of the National Center and our work to provide the leadership, evidence and resources necessary for enhancing health care delivery through interprofessional practice and education. During the webinar attendees will also participate in a guided tour of our website and learn how to create profiles, access information, and fully utilize the features of the Resource Center.
Train-the-Trainer Faculty Development Program: University of Virginia, November 9-12, 2016
This three-and-a-half day curriculum was co-developed by experts from three universities with established IPE training programs and a national advisory committee. Training sites will provide content, skills, and strategies for facilitating and coaching IPE teams. The purpose of this program is to prepare health professions faculty and collaborative practice clinicians from all professions to lead IPE efforts and promote interprofessional team-based care.
Opportunities to Improve Models of Care for People with Complex Needs
With rapid health care transformation efforts underway across the nation, there is increasing attention on strategies to improve outcomes and reduce avoidable costs for the small subset of individuals who account for the majority of health care spending. As innovative models emerge, policymakers, payers, and providers are eager to identify and scale effective approaches for serving high-need, high-cost patients.