Improving Patient Outcomes Through Interprofessional Collaboration
Presented by the Connecticut League for Nursing, this event will feature renowned interprofessional collaborative practice expert Madeline Schmitt, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP, as a speaker. The panel will include innovative interprofessional collaborations within Connecticut.
Meet Community Moderator Joe Zorek
The community moderator program is an initiative that gives users of the Resource Exchange more opportunities to interact with each other – and recognized leaders in interprofessional practice education. Each month we’ll feature a different community moderator to help users determine the best contact for specific questions and topics.
Joe Zorek, PharmD, joined the faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) School of Pharmacy following completion of a two-year Pharmacotherapy Residency at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Amarillo, Texas. While there, he developed a clinical specialty in geriatrics with a research focus on interprofessional practice and education (IPE).
AIHC Advisory Board
Committee Groups:
CAB Program Committee:
Communication Committee:
Save the Date: Inaugural Learning Together at the Nexus: National Center Summit on the Future of IPE
We are seeking practice and education stakeholders from across the continuums of care and education to join us for the Inaugural Learning Together at the Nexus Summit, co-hosted by the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative.
National Center's Year Three Report Now Available
This report highlights four areas of National Center progress during Year Three. Because of the sheer volume of National Center activity, we have chosen our most important achievements – showing where we are making a significant difference in the national conversation about health care transformation.
AIHC Webinar Series: How to Produce Scholarship & Publish in the Field of IPECP
This webinar will describe scholarship in IPECP as an important means to advance the field, particularly the need to determine best practices and outcomes-oriented research. It will discuss helpful tips for getting started in scholarship and how to successfully publish IPECP work.
National Center Data Repository (NCDR) Advisory Council
Data are critical in measuring how the Nexus improves patient care and health professions education, population health and cost. The NCDR advisory council counsels National Center staff on developing surveys and other evaluation tools that can be used to measure the overall effectiveness of interprofessional practice and education.
Upcoming Minneapolis Meetings:
April 13, 2016
November 17-18, 2016
National Advisory Council Members
The national advisory council provides independent, expert advice and guidance –grounded in the broad perspectives and experiences of its members – to advance the field of interprofessional practice and education. Members of the council are strategic thought partners, collaborators and catalysts for action.
Upcoming Meetings:
May 2-3, 2016
Moving Beyond PowerPoint
An article that discusses the use of virtual reality role-playing, high-fidelity simulation and online forums in nursing education. The creation and use of the ACE-15 tool as a measurement tool is also discussed as a means to improve the interprofessionalism at clinical rotation sites. Nexus Innovation Network Site Oregon Health and Science University is a focus.