Integration of Community & Culture: Academic Health Center Interdisciplinary Education Proposal

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Oct 31, 2014 - 2:32pm CDT

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From the Committee's activities, deliberations and reflections, the Committee has come to understand culture and community as differing world views, values, and languages. A lack of understanding and appreciation for these differing world views, values, and languages result in misunderstood health behaviors and inconsistent health outcomes as graduates from the University of Minnesota Academic Health Center provide health care services to an increasingly diverse population. Each of the schools within the AHC could benefit from educational resources and faculty development focusing on culture and community as it relates to their curriculum. None of the schools has a person in place to do this work. Creating an Office of Culture and Community to serve AHC colleges/schools would provide a thorough and efficient way to meet this need.

University of Minnesota Academic Health Center
University of Minnesota Intercollegiate Primary Care Education Council
Communities & Population Health
Education & Learning