Oral Health Connect: April Newsletter
Innovations in Oral Health, April 2015 Newsletter
Advancing Compassionate, Person- and Family-Centered Care Through Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Practice
Compassion is essential for effective collaboration among healthcare professionals, patients and families. Conventional wisdom and evidence support the importance of compassionate healthcare. So why then are the concepts and skills related to empathy and compassion not routinely taught, modeled and assessed across the continuum of learning and practice?
The State of the Science of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice
This presentation, delivered by Barbara Brandt, PhD, as part of the American Medical Association's Accelerating Change in Medical Education advisory committee, outlines the evolution in thinking about teams and collaboration and offers an in-depth overview of the state of the science of interprofessional education and collaborative practice.
Beyond Flexner: The Role of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice
This presentation, delivered by Barbara Brandt, PhD, at Beyond Flexner 2015, discusses the evolution in thinking about teams and collaboration, introduces the "Nexus" and outlines the patient-centered curriculum.
About Beyond Flexner 2015
2015 Many Faces of Community Health Conference
The theme of the 2015 conference is Community Centered Care and the People We Serve. The conference will examine new community care innovations and health care delivery models that promote health equity, prevent and manage chronic diseases, and assure access for the people we serve. Registration is now open. Please visit the conference website for additional information.
Call for Abstracts: Many Faces of Community Health Conference
Many Faces of Community Health is accepting abstracts for its 10th Annual Conference. Abstracts should relate to conference goals, address health equity or under-served populations, or have clear implications for primary care. Read the guidelines and learn more about the conference, to be held October 22-23 in Minneapolis, on the conference website.
ICCAS: Interprofessional Collaborative Competency Attainment Survey
The Interprofessional Collaborative Competency Attainment Survey is a 20 item self-assessment tool. Its items cover aspects of trainee roles on a team and use of interprofessional practice team approaches to patient care.
The ICCAS is intended to measure the self-reported competencies of interprofessional care in interprofessional education programs (Archibald, Trumpower, & MacDonald, 2014)