Journal Access Across Institutions

Heather Hageman's picture
Submitted by Heather Hageman on Oct 15, 2015 - 12:12pm CDT

Hello -

I am the director of a new center for IPE which is a collaboration of three freestanding private institutions: Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis College of Pharmacy and Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes-Jewish College.

I will have a subset of the faculty who will be intimately involved in IPE activities across the three institutions and with whom I will want to share journal articles as we build our community and enter research endeavors together.  At issue is licensing of the journals. 

Has anyone arrived at a solution to the licensing issues which does not entail each institution subscribing to each of the journals?  Does anyone have a model whereby a separate entity is created which would allow licensing only for the subset of faculty at multiple institutions who are interested in those journals?

thanks in advance for your time -


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