National Center Journal Club with Emily Leasure
Join Dr. Emily Leasure and Dr. M. Nawal Lutfiyya as they discuss the challenges of building health care teams that operate well in a PCMH environment.
There Is No “I” in Teamwork in the Patient-Centered Medical Home: Defining Teamwork Competencies for Academic Practice
Evidence suggests that teamwork is essential for safe, reliable practice. Creating health care teams able to function effectively in patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs), practices that organize care around the patient and demonstrate achievement of defined quality care standards, remains challenging. Preparing trainees for practice in interprofessional teams is particularly challenging in academic health centers where health professions curricula are largely siloed.
Academy for Healthcare Improvement Annual Meeting
This year’s conference will focus on teaching and disseminating methods to improve health care quality and affordability. Registration opens on May 15 and additional details will be available on the conference website in the coming weeks.
Interprofessional Health, Education and Practice (IHEP) International Conference 2015
This international conference will address a range of critically important issues and themes relating to the interprofessional collaboration community, including best practices, evidence-based outcomes and lessons learned while providing a venue for scholarly dialogue and networking. Early bird registration is now open. Visit the conference website for additional information.
Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research Center Conference
This year’s conference will focus on “Strategies for the Application of Successful Models and Processes.” Attendees will learn successful practices for IPECP development, essential components of IPECP models and how to operationalize them. Barbara Brandt, director, National Center, will host a pre-conference workshop. Learn more about the event, and register, on the conference website.
World Federation of Athletic Training and Therapy (WFATT) 2015 World Congress
The WFATT is a coalition of health care professionals in the fields of sport, exercise, injury/illness prevention and treatment. The primary objective of the WFATT is to promote the highest quality of health care and functional activity through the collaborative efforts of its members. The theme for this year’s congress is “Overuse Injury in Sport: an Interprofessional Approach.” More information can be found here.
European Society for Person-Centered Healthcare: Conference and Awards Ceremony
This conference brings together leading scientists and clinicians from around the world to discuss a breadth of topics, including clarifying terms for person-centered healthcare (PCH), the effectiveness of PCH’s and person-centered teaching in medical education, among others. To register or receive additional information, please contact
International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) Annual Meeting
At the annual meeting, IAMSE faculty, staff and students from around the world will participate in sessions on curriculum development, assessment and simulation, among others. Click here for more information and to register.
Third Annual Emswiller Interprofessional Symposium: Changing Practice, Improving Outcomes
At the end of the symposium, attendees should be able to describe the link between interprofessional education (IPE), interprofessional practice (IPP) and health outcomes, identify new models of IPP and relate examples of the integration of IPE and IPP. Click here to register. Questions or inquiries can be sent to
Enhancing Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in Northern Maine
The summit will host national and local experts – including National Center senior advisor Dr. Frank Cerra – to address the relationship between health professions education, clinical practice and national health care reform. Trends in IPECP, tools to implement IPE and developing IPECP student clinical experiences are among the topics that will be discussed. The event is free, but registration is required.