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Nexus Summit Workshop 9

Workshop #9: i-Care: A Team-Based Approach to Meeting the Needs of the Underserved with Chronic Conditions

University of Colorado

Nexus Innovation Network

Nursing Education Practice, Quality and Retention

AIHC Webinar Series: Exploring the Impact of Aligning Interprofessional Education and Practice on Patient Outcomes

During this webinar, the presenters will describe the educational needs of aligning IPECP and measuring the impact on patients. The presenters will use their IPECP model as a case-study to highlight the influence of interprofessional learners as value-added and discuss meaningful ways that this type of alignment can create healthcare practice transformation. 

The Roundhouse: an alternative model for primary care

The challenges facing health care are well known. They include an ageing population, increasing expectations, and shrinking budgets. GPs remain key in the provision of primary care in the current model and report that they are failing to cope with rising demand. Increasing concern that the 10-minute GP appointment is obsolete in the face of increasing comorbidity adds to these pressures.