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Nexus Summit

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Site Admin - Nov 15, 2016


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Site Admin - Nov 15, 2016

RIME 2017- 5th International Conference for Research in Medical Education

Workplace based Learning, Teaching and Assessment throughout the lifelong Professional Career

Sadie Strassman - Nov 15, 2016

Interprofessional Learning IN Practice Workshop: Preceptor and Practice Site Development Agenda


Day 1


Pre-work:  Online Modules, Readings, and Team-Building Exercise TBD


07:30– 08:30 a.m.             Welcome, Introduction, and Orientation to IP Learning in Practice Workshop (breakfast available starting at 7:15, introductions start at 7:30)


Sadie Strassman - Nov 10, 2016

Train-the-Trainer Faculty Development Program: University of Virginia, April 19-22, 2017

This three-and-a-half day curriculum was co-developed by experts from three universities with established IPE training programs and a national advisory committee. Training sites will provide content, skills, and strategies for facilitating and coaching IPE teams. The purpose of this program is to prepare health professions faculty and collaborative practice clinicians from all professions to lead IPE efforts and promote interprofessional team-based care. 


Collaborating Across Borders is North America’s premier interprofessional health care education and collaborative practice conference. Building on the highly successful CAB Conference series (I, II, III, IV, and V), CAB VI will link educators, researchers, practitioners, students and patients from Canada and the United States in essential discussions around interprofessional health care education, practice, leadership and policy in North America. 

Learn more here

Sadie Strassman - Nov 03, 2016

Workforce Redesign for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice: Using Simulation to Create Interprofessional Team across health care settings

Professional Gaps and Educational Needs: Despite high functioning interprofessional teams being present at acute care and inpatient rehabilitation, a significant amount of information is lost in the transition between facilities. A retrospective chart review revealed 30-80% of information related to common complications after stroke was missing.


Sadie Strassman - Oct 27, 2016

Interprofessional Education: What Measurable Learning Outcomes Are Realistic for the Physician Assistant Profession?

This multi-institutional study examines changes in physician assistant student attitudes at program entry and at graduation, using the RIPLS and IEPS, and discusses implications for IPE curricula and theimportance of role models for IPE.

Desiree Lie - Oct 25, 2016