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Building Healthy, Equitable Communities Series

6+ collaborative trainings for government & community leaders

The series will engage a wide audience, including public health lawyers as well as practitioners in health and planning departments, school districts, and health-oriented organizations and coalitions. Community champions—teachers, parents, and youth—can also exchange valuable insights in these trainings.

Each episode includes an in-depth blog post, a webinar, and an interactive expert panel.

Teresa Schicker - Nov 29, 2018

World Coordinating Committee for ATBH (All Together Better Health) Changes Name to Interprofessional.Global

The World Coordinating Committee (WCC) for All Together Better Health (ATBH), a collaboration of regional networks from around the globe focused on interprofessional education and collaborative practice, has changed its name to:

the Global Confederation for Interprofessional Practice and Education

Site Admin - Nov 27, 2018

Primary Care Workforce Study Cost Tool

In the United States, there is a heightened national awareness of the central role of primary care in improving population health and managing cost growth.  Health care provider organizations, payers and policymakers need to identify preferred and sustainable primary care workforce models that draw on available knowledge to ensure access to high quality, cost-efficient health care that is to the satisfaction of patients and providers.  To address this need, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) funded Abt Associates and its partners, the MacColl Center for Health C

Primary Care Workforce Study Brief

In the United States, there is a heightened national awareness of the central role of primary care in improving population health and managing cost growth.  Health care provider organizations, payers and policymakers need to identify preferred and sustainable primary care workforce models that draw on available knowledge to ensure access to high quality, cost-efficient health care that is to the satisfaction of patients and providers.  To address this need, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) funded Abt Associates and its partners, the MacColl Center for Health C

Webinar: An Actionable Tool for the Interprofessional Team to Improve the Patient Experience

The Net Promoter System, used in many industries to gain customer loyalty and grow business, is also in use at UnitedHealth Group where the Center for Clinician Advancement (CFCA) implements learning, development and collaborative efforts to encourage interprofessional collaborative practice team development that improves quality of care for health care consumers.  UnitedHealth Group uses the Net Promoter System (NPS) enterprise wide to improve the health care consumer experience.

Editorial: Interprofessional Education in the Age of Risk and Innovation

In July 2018, over 400 health professionals gathered in Minneapolis, MN to attend the Nexus Summit, “Creating Results: Interprofessional Vision to Action.” In her plenary address, Barbara Brandt, Director of the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, spoke about the seismic shifts occurring in health care and health professions education and the importance of asking the right questions. This editorial provides a synopsis of Brandt’s address and raises questions for  nurse educators.

Compliance Paperwork Across Disciplines

Given each professional school in healthcare has their own compliance requirements for their students, how have institutions been managing compliance when students from one school (e.g. nursing or pharmacy) participate in an IPE activity at another (e.g. medicine or social work).  Has anyone been able to standardize compliance requirements for interprofessional activities/clinicals?

Karen Mendys - Nov 11, 2018

VIDEO: Strengthening the Connection Between Health Professions Education and Practice (webcast workshop: 11/13/2018)


VIDEO: A National Academies of Medicine - National Center Joint Workshop

On November 13-14, the National Academies of Medicine Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professions Education and the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education jointly hosted a 1.5 day public meeting to explore strategies for bridging health professions practice and education (the Nexus) in ways that promote innovation in the clinical environment.

Site Admin - Nov 09, 2018

Generating the Data for Analyzing the Effects of Interprofessional Teams for Improving Triple Aim Outcomes

In this chapter we describe the creation of a data repository, the National Center Data Repository (NCDR) and a national network of performance sites generating that data, the National Innovation Network (NIN) for the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (hereafter the National Center). We describe the raison d’être, characteristics, and ecosystem of the NIN-NCDR.