Advancing Health Professions Education Research by Creating a Network of Networks
Producing the best evidence to show educational outcomes, such as competency achievement and credentialing effectiveness, across the health professions education continuum will require large multisite research projects and longitudinal studies. Current limitations that must be overcome to reach this goal include the prevalence of single-institution study designs, assessments of a single curricular component, and cross-sectional study designs that provide only a snapshot in time of a program or initiative rather than a longitudinal perspective.
Practical Guides: Moving Theory into Effective Action
Has anyone downloaded these guides and could tell us how many pages are in each? Also, can we print copies without permission?
Scott Reeves: 1967-2018
In this editorial for the Journal of Interprofessional Care, authors including National Center director Barbara F. Brandt pay tribute to Scott Reeves, Editor-in-Chief.
Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century
JCIPE 2018 Conference
Friday, October 26 and Saturday, October 27, 2018
Thomas Jefferson University
Water Quality & Safety
The Health Forum of West Michigan monthly series focus is on the Great Lakes, rivers and groundwater and the impact on human health. Panelists include Eric DeLong, Deputy City Manager of the City of Grand Rapids; Liz Kirkwood, JD Executive Director For Love of Water (FLOW), Eric Oswald Director of Drinking water and Municipal Assistance Division of DEQ State of Michigan; Richard R. Rediske, PhD, Senior Program Manager and Professor GVSU Annis Water Resource Institute; and Teresa Seidel, Director Water Resources Division DEQ State of Michigan.
Nexus Innovation Network Webinars
IPE Core Data Set Webinar – The video at this link offers a description of the National Center’s IPE Core Data Set. Think about how your existing project, or a new endeavor, might benefit from the first-of-its-kind core data set for interprofessional practice and education. Join the movement!