2017 Workshops
Aligning Health Professional Student Efforts with Frontline Quality Improvement Work Within a Growing Healthcare System
2017 Nexus Award Nominations now open
In case you missed the recent announcement, the National Center is now accepting nominations for the 2017 Nexus Award. Complete details and an interview with the 2016 winner, the University of Southern Indiana, is on our Nexus Award page.
Recent Headlines
From the Journal of Nursing Education, Teaching End-of-Life Care Using Interprofessional Simulation
Nexus Award 2017
The Nexus Award celebrates exemplary interprofessional practice in the US and those who are thinking and acting differently where education and practice connect in health and health care.
The award recognizes an educational institution, health system, clinic, and/or community organization for extraordinary contributions to the Nexus– linking health professions education and interprofessional practice to transform care delivery, improve health outcomes, and decrease costs.
Curriculum for an Interprofessional Seminar on Integrated Primary Care
This Curriculum for an Interprofessional Seminar on Integrated Primary Care (IS-IPC) is a resource to develop eductional experiences for an interprofessional group of learners about the competencies needed to work together in an integrated healthcare team. It was designed for use with learners early in their health professions training although the content is ataptable for learners at other levels. The IS-IPC contains eight modules that can be used individually or combined for a more extensive educational experience and can easily be customized for specific educational need
Nexus Award
The 2017 Nexus Award
Difficult Conversations in Healthcare: Teaching and Practice in an Interprofessional World (June)
Course Description:
Difficult Conversations in Healthcare: Teaching and Practice in an Interprofessional World is a 1-day interprofessional faculty development course that offers the opportunity to learn about a variety of innovative methods and strategies for teaching and enhancing relational capacities, communication skills, attention to values and ‘everyday ethics’, professionalism, and interprofessional collaboration and practice.
Difficult Conversations in Healthcare: Teaching and Practice in an Interprofessional World (May)
Course Description:
Difficult Conversations in Healthcare: Teaching and Practice in an Interprofessional World is a 1-day interprofessional faculty development course that offers the opportunity to learn about a variety of innovative methods and strategies for teaching and enhancing relational capacities, communication skills, attention to values and ‘everyday ethics’, professionalism, and interprofessional collaboration and practice.
Accelerating Initiative Cohort
This is a private group for teams that are part of the Accelerating Initiative Cohort. The goal of the initiative is for health and other professional schools, with a history of collaboration, to work together with a community partner and the individuals and families that it serves to develop innovative, creative and sustainable interprofessional clinical initiatives that accelerate their existing interprofessional education.
This group space will be used for quick access to tools for participants, an area for private discussion, and upcoming events/announcements.