Evaluation of the Older Patient
This video presentation (48:13 min) given by Dr. Bruce E. Robinson discusses various opportunities for healthcare professionals to improve the efficiency of comprehensive evaluations of older adult patients. He also reviews the role of comprehensive assessments in developing clinical expectations. Finally, he ends his presentation by discussing the role of the clinicial in facilitating good choices for care of older adults.
Source: University of Southern Florida GWEP, 2016.
Alzheimer's Disease and Caregiving
This factsheet gives an overview of Alzheimer's disease (AD), including symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. The factsheet also includes pertinent information for caregivers during the early, middle, and late stages of AD, and provides links to relevant organizations and other tipsheets. An online and printer-friendly version are available.
Source: Family Caregiver Alliance, 2012.
Caregiver journey map: Supporting those with Alzheimer's and other dementias
AgingWell Hub has created an integrated journey map for those caring for loved ones with Alzheimer's and other demetias. The map can be used to identify opportunities to provide support and intervention for caregivers, and in turn, benefit their care recipients. The journey map follows the experiences of an unpaid family caregiver of an older adult with Alzheimer's disease.
Source: AgingWell Hub, 2017.
Best practice caregiving: Guiding organizations to dementia programs for family caregivers
Best Practice Caregiving is a free online database of over 40 proven dementia programs for family caregivers. It offers a searchable, interactive, national database of vetted, effective programs that offer much-needed information and support. The database may be a useful tool for healthcare and community-based organizations, as well as funders and policy makers to discover and share high quality programs for caregivers.
Source: Benjamin Rose Institue on Aging and Family Caregiver Alliance, 2022.
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Resources for Older Adults, Family Caregivers and Health Care Providers
This web page from the John A. Hartford Foundation includes a list of regularly-updated and trusted sources of information with content relevant to COVID-19. These resources include links to other websites with information and guidance for older adults, family caregivers, long-term care providers, health care professionals, and the general public.
Source: The John A. Hartford Foundation, 2021.
COVID-19 Resources for Nursing Homes & Long-Term Care
This web page from the John A. Hartford Foundation includes a list of trusted and regularly-updated resources regarding COVID-19 related to long-term care facilities. These resources include guidance from federal and national organizations, webinars, journal articles and other clinical information, policy and advocacy information, and news articles.
Source: The John A. Hartford Foundation, 2021.
My life, my story: Teaching patient centered care competencies for older adults through life story work
This study describes "My Life, My Story", an educational activity for enhancing patient-centered care (PCC) competencies across health professions trainees. The activity most influenced trainees' ability to understand the patient as a "whole person" along with other PCC competencies such as showing empathy, really listening, building knowledge of values and goals, and building relationships. Creation of an account and a fee is required to view this article, or it can be viewed through affiliation with a member organization.
AGS Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Information Hub
The American Geriatrics Society has put together an information hub for selected tools and guidance relevant to care of older adults in the context of COVID-19. Information for caregivers, health professionals, and the general public are included. Some of the resources and tools included cover topics such as telehealth, diagnosis/care/prevention, palliative care, social isolation, and communication skills.
Source: American Geriatric Society (AGS), 2020.
COVID-19 JAGS Article Collection
This web page lists a collection of articles published by the Journal of Amerian Geriatrics Society related to COVID-19 and aging. These articles are free to access.
Source: American Geriatric Society (AGS), 2022.
COVID-19 Resources from Respecting Choices
This website from Respecting Choices includes a toolkit of resources for having proactive planning conversations, tools to support specific treatment decisions, and advanced care planning materials for COVID-19. Resources and tools are free and open to all.
Source: Respecting Choices, 2020