Hospital Competencies: Care of Adult 65+ years
The Hartford Institue for Geriatric Nursing developed a core set of hospital nursing competencies expected of nurses that care for older adults. The competencies cover areas including: communication, physiological and psychological age changes, pain, skin integrity, functional status, restraints, elder abuse, and discharge planning.
Source: Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing, 2012.
Depression and Caregiving
This fact sheet for caregivers describes depression and its symptoms, special caregiver concerns, what to do if you think you have depression, treatment and therapy options, paying for treatment, and strategies to help yourself. Links to relevant resources and organizations that may help with treatment of depression are provided. An online and printer-friendly version are available.
Source: Family Caregiver Alliance, 2016.
Dementia with Lewy Bodies
This factsheet describes dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB), including definition, symptoms, testing and diagnosis, and duration and treatment. Differences and overlaps of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, information for caregivers, and links to relevant resources and organizations are provided.
Source: Family Caregiver Alliance, 2018.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
This factsheet gives an overview of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and management. The factsheet also describes a variety of assistive devices that may enhance the quality of life for a person with ALS, and it provides links to relevant resources and organizations.
Source: Family Caregiver Alliance, 2018.
Recognizing Dehydration in Older Adults
This handout discusses the clinical signs and symptoms of dehydration in older adults. It also provides a list of foods that are high in fluid that older adults should consume to avoid dehydration.
Pulmonary Function Tests in Older Adults
This handout provides descriptions of the tests to assess lung function in older adult. Changes in pulmonary function tests associated with common disorders affecting lung function in older adults are outlined.
Psychosis in Dementia- Pharmacotherapy
This handout discusses how to manage psychosis in people with dementia. It provides tables of common medications for dementia and psychosis including the intitial geriatric dose, target dose, adverse effects, and geriatric considerations.
Pressure Ulcers in Older Adults
This handout dicsusses the prevention, assessment, and treatment of pressure ulcers in older adults. It also provides information regarding the characteristics of pressure ulcers, debridement methods, and a summary of dressings for pressure ulcers.
Presentation of Common Infections in Older Adults
This handout reviews common infections in older adults and how they can present differently than in younger individuals.
Preoperative Assessment of Older Adults
This handout reviews the preoperative evaluation of older adults who are having non-cardiac surgical procedures and provides tips for their assessment.