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Knitting together a worldwide community

This week as we roll out our technology and knowledge platform, I compare it to my Ravelry experience.

Barbara F. Brandt - Aug 12, 2013

Baby Edythe

I am of a certain age.  I became a grandma 15 weeks ago to baby Edythe.  Here is a picture of me the first time I held her. She is wearing an outfit I knitted from the yarn I purchased in Sweden after the 2008 All Together Better Health conference.  I’m wearing my Minnesota Public Radio sweatshirt.  I must have been trying to send Edythe a message about how all children should behave.

Barbara F. Brandt - Aug 05, 2013

Our approach

Our comprehensive approach to research and evaluation

To study and document the many different types of activities that will lead to changes in interprofessional practice and education at all levels, the National Center faces a daunting challenge. We have identified four broad strategies to generate evidence about the effectiveness of interprofessional practice and education and about the National Center itself:

Meredith Fisher - Jul 25, 2013

The Educational Imperative of the Triple Aim: Executive Summary of the Community University Board- Academic Health Center Retreat

This document is a summary of discussions, key recommendations, and potential next steps for creating a new collaboration between the Minnesota Health Systems and the University of Minnesota Academic Health Center to improve the education and training of health professionals developed at the Community University Board - Academic Health Center Retreat on September 24, 2012.

What a Difference a Year Makes

One year ago on July 18, we submitted our application to the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to lead the National Center.  How our lives have changed in the short period of time since Secretary Sebelius made the selection announcement last fall!

Barbara F. Brandt - Jul 22, 2013

IOM 1972 Report: "Educating for the Health Team"

The conference brought together on a national scale equal numbers of leaders (120 in all) from the major health professions to define the issues in the increasingly important matter of interdisciplinary education, in order to give impetus to more detailed considerations of institutional, regional, and ultimately national levels of health education. The report comprises a description of the organization of the conference and the development of the report, the chairperson's introduction; and the recommendations and conclusions of the steering committee.

Serendipity and the Nexus

I’m often asked how we settled on using the term “the nexus” for a concept that is defining some of the National Center’s work.  More than a few people have shared with me that there are other successful programs, and even hair products, that use the term.  I can truly say that whatever one thinks of it, the word “nexus” does make people stop and think…including me recently.  I’m finding the “nexus” everywhere, filled with symbolism, and I think it’s more than coincidence.

Barbara F. Brandt - Jul 17, 2013

Vision and Goals

Our vision

The National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education was formed in October 2012 through a cooperative agreement with the Health Resources and Services Administration to create a new kind of relationship—a new Nexus—between health professions education and care delivery systems.

Meredith Fisher - Jul 02, 2013

Role Modeling IPC at the Seneca Nation- A Teaching and Learning Opportunity

As we continue to build an interprofessional culture, we look to role models and advocates to lead the way. It’s our job to find those who are doing it, and link with those who want to do it, expanding the network of IPCP which in turn expands the network for IPE opportunities.