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Online Communities for IPE

Has anyone used an online community like NING for IPE? We are interested in something like this at Campbell and wanted to know if might be able to see anyone else's site. 

On the Road: October

In October, the National Center and Dr. Barbara Brandt engaged with/presented to:

All Together Better Health is inviting student poster presentations for its conference June 6-8, 2014.

This opportunity is available to students, graduate students, residents and new practitioners. Abstracts are due January 10, 2014. For more information, log onto

Experiencing Buckeye IPE

I have been traveling quite a bit this fall – it is a learning opportunity for me to meet people working to implement interprofessional education and collaborative practice.  I meet people doing interesting work, learn about what is happening in interprofessional education nationally and continue to discuss how the National Center can support their efforts.

Barbara F. Brandt - Nov 25, 2013

Interprofessional Education Assessment and Planning Instrument for Academic Institutions

The Interprofessional Education Assessment and Planning Instrument for Academic Institutions was designed to do the following: 1) assist institutions in gauging where they are in development of Interprofessional Prevention Education and 2) assist institutions wishing to further advance Interprofessional Education with an emphasis on prevention.

This tool will allow institutions to asses where they are in the development of IPE on their campuses.

T-TPQ: TeamSTEPPS® Teamwork Perceptions Questionnaire and T-TAQ: Teamwork Attitudes Questionairre Tool Set

The TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Perceptions Questionnaire (T-TPQ) was developed to assess health professionals' perceptions of interprofessional teamwork within an organization and group-level team skills and behavior.

T-TAQ is used to measure how individuals approach team related issues. The TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire (T-TAQ) was developed to assess the impact of interprofessional education on health professionals' attitudes, knowledge, and team skills.