editing tool that was submitted and tools for teamstepps
I have submitted a tool to resourse exchange SOS survey , am I able to edit or upload supportive documents. When will we know if it has been reviewed?
Can we use tools not on national centers list ?
We are going to implement teamstepps , they have 2 tools T-Taq, and T-TPQ , has the center looked at these tools? TeamStepps is listed in tools but specific tools for teamstepps not listed.
Have other tools been used with teamstepps implementation ?
Julie LaMothe
Public Health: a key partner in interprofessional practice and education
As National Center ramps up its work to demonstrate the value of team care and education, it is essential to engage the expertise and insights of public health professionals to ensure preventing disease and treating disease are considered together to improve health in our communities.
Data Repository development in progress
Evaluating team-based care and education initiatives based on data—not on opinion—is core to National Center’s mission and success. To that end, a data repository is being created to house both quantitative and qualitative information about team-based educational programs and care programs.
Sean Lind to lead Resource Exchange
Sean Lind, MA, MLIS, of Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, has been named National Center’s first Resource Exchange program manager. In this role, Lind will lead strategies to expand Resource Exchange content and use, manage and curate content, build relationships with key stakeholders, respond to user needs and develop new capabilities for the repository.
Curriculum Renewal for Interprofessional Education in Health
This report Curriculum Renewal for Interprofessional Education in Health (CRS) is the final deliverable in the Office for Learning and Teaching (OLT) funded study of the same name. It focuses on the design, delivery, development and future of pre-registration interprofessional education (IPE) in Australian universities. The study was conducted during 2011-2013 by a consortium led by the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) which included nine Australian universities, two government bodies and a non-government organisation.
IPE in allied health--community colleges
Is anyone aware of IPE activities involving allied health programs based in a two-year or community college environment? Any information or a brief overview would be of interest!
Months of connecting: What I have learned
You have all heard me talk about—and write about—my travels over the last 15 months. You have listened to my stories about successful programs, heard me report about what’s working and what’s not working as well, and helped me start to shape this fledgling organization. I have listened to what you have said and acted on your very good advice.
American Interprofessional Health Collaborative Webinar
Developing interprofessional education collaboration across multiple institutions (Universities, Professional Schools, Clinics, & Health Systems)
Presented by Drs. Heather A. Davidson, Bonnie M. Miller, and Linda D. Norman.
AITCS: Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale
The Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale (AITCS) is a 37 item inventory with 4 subscales: partnership, cooperation, coordination, and shared decision making. Authors concluded it was a valid and reliable instrument. They found it to load on 3 factors explaining 61.02% of the variance. Internal consistency reliability for each subscale ranged from 0.80 to 0.97, with an overall reliability of 0.98.