Toward better care of delirious patients at the end of life: a pilot study of an interprofessional educational intervention

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Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

Symptom distress with end-of-life delirium (EOLD) is complex and multidimensional, and interprofessional (IP) teams require knowledge and skill to effectively care for these patients and their families. The purpose of this pilot study was to test an educational intervention about EOLD for IP teams at a long-term care facility and a hospice. The intervention included a comprehensive self-learning module (SLM) on EOLD and IP teamwork; a modified McMaster-Ottawa team objective structured clinical encounter (TOSCE) and a didactic "theory burst" on the principles of delirium assessment, diagnosis and management. Evaluation tools completed by participants included the interprofessional collaborative competencies attainment survey (ICCAS) and the W(e) Learn. Two groups at each site participated in 1-hour sessions, repeated 2 weeks later. Only one group from each site received the SLM after the first session. Researchers scored EOLD knowledge and IP team functioning in both sessions. Results suggest that the intervention improved EOLD knowledge and perceptions of IP competence and supports the value of the TOSCE as an IP teaching method. The module does not appear responsible for the changes. Future studies are required to evaluate the effectiveness of the individual components used in this study, and to tailor the intervention to individual care contexts.

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Brajtman, Susan
Wright, David
Hall, Pippa
Bush, Shirley H
Bekele, Enkenyelesh
Journal Citation: 
Journal of Interprofessional Care. 26(5):422-5, 2012 Sep.