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"Progress and Promise" Series: Introduction

Following a Q&A format, each chapter provides a deep-dive into three of the seven programs highlighted in “Progress and Promise: Profiles in Interprofessional Health Training to Deliver Patient-Centered Primary Care,” by sharing the program's experiences, opportunities and challenges in building and maintaining an interprofessional program.


PCPCC - Aug 25, 2015

Lessons Rural Interprofessional Education Can Teach Us

This summary of the Northern Maine Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (IPCP) Summit, held April 14, 2015, was written by Doug Wood, PhD, DO, dean of the University of New England (UNE) College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dora Anne Mills, MD, MPH, vice president for Clinical Affairs, UNE, and Shelley Cohen Konrad, PhD, LCSW, director of the Center of Excellence in IPE, UNE. The authors are also the principal investigators for the UNE Josiah Macy Jr.

Living in the Nexus

The National Center is building a Nexus within health care systems, where practitioners, communities, patients, families, educators and students collaborate seamlessly to enhance care delivery, improve population health and lower costs. Simply defined, the Nexus is a way of connecting health care practice and education – creating a true partnership and shared responsibility, conversation, language and learning.

"Building a Culture of Excellence" Series: IMPACT

In this podcast series Sarah Peyre, assistant dean for interprofessional education at the University of Rochester Medical Center, explores how two teams at the University of Rochester implemented interprofessional processes and education to provide – and enhance – patient care.

Sarah Peyre - Aug 25, 2015

"Building a Culture of Excellence" Series: Highland Family Medicine

In this podcast series Sarah Peyre, assistant dean for interprofessional education at the University of Rochester Medical Center, explores how two teams at the University of Rochester implemented interprofessional processes and education to provide – and enhance – patient care.

Sarah Peyre - Aug 25, 2015

Amina in the Nexus

Amina in the Nexus shares the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education’s vision for health care delivery in the United States.

Developing a Culture for Interprofessional Education: A Case Study

Adoption of interprofessional education across a university campus requires significant culture change at many levels. Without sustained commitment from senior leadership and key faculty champions, culture change is unlikely and IPE programs may not be sustained. Thomas Jefferson University (TJU) is a health sciences university affiliated with a major academic health center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. TJU made a major commitment to interprofessional education in 2007, when the Jefferson InterProfessional Education Center (JCIPE) was established.

VA Centers of Excellence in Primary Care Education: Transforming Interprofessional Education, Practice and Collaboration

To integrate healthcare professional learners into redesigned patient-centered primary care delivery models, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has funded five demonstration sites as the Centers of Excellence in Primary Care Education (CoEPCEs).  The main goal of the CoEPCEs is to develop and test innovative structural and curricular models that foster transformation of healthcare training from profession specific ‘silos’ to interprofessional, team-based educational and care delivery models in patient-centered primary care settings.

Developing Interprofessional Education Collaboration Across Multiple Institutions (Universities, Professional Schools, Clinics, & Health Systems)

Developing effective IPE initiatives often means that the ideal teammates are not educated under the same roof. The Vanderbilt Program in Interprofessional Learning (VPIL) is a partnership across four institutions and five professional schools in Nashville, Tennessee.

Creating Exceptional Interprofessional Teaching and Learning in Clinical Settings: The University of Toronto Journey

This webinar focuses on the approaches taken by the University of Toronto Centre for Interprofessional Education (IPE) to create exceptional interprofessional learning environments for students and health care professionals at the interface between education and practice.