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Non-opioid Pharmacological and Non-pharmacological Pain Management Techniques

This interprofessional training program on Opioid Use in Long-Term Care Series from the Utah Geriatric Education Consortium is for students, health care providers, and long-term care staff.

Frailty: Concepts and Applications for the Long-Term Care Resident

This presentation (59:46 mins) by Dr. Kristin Hueftle, from the University of Utah's Division of Geriatric Medicine discusses frailty, toolkits to assess frailty, how to apply frailty assessments to nursing home residents, risk stratification for surgical interventions, and various frailty interventions, and frailty is modifiable. The presentation begins approximately at 2 minutes into the video.

Source: Utah Geriatric Education Consortium: Age-Friendly ECHO, 2020.

Dementia Training

This online educational program from the Utah Geriatric Education Consortium is designed to increase knowledge about Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) and improve care of residents with dementia. The training iprogram consists of four modules that, in total, will take 2-3 hours to complete. The topics covered include: an overview of dementia, understanding behaviors and your approach, effective communication within long-term care, and communication and understanding behaviors.

Grief and Loss

This web page from the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization provides an overview of dealing with grief and loss. Through different sections and videos, this web page discusses grief support and helpful resources as well as describing the grief experience.


This web page from the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization provides an overview of caregiving. There are various sections within the web page that help readers grasp a better understanding of caregiving. The different sections include: Information about the Coronavirus (COVID-19); Caring for Children; Caring for the Caregiver; Helpful Services; Preparing for Giving Care; Providing Care. A Covid-19 shared decision-making tool developed by the NHPCO is included which is available in English and Spanish versions

About Palliative Care

This web page from the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization provides an overview of palliative care, and compares and contrasts it to hospice care. Frequently asked questions regarding palliative care is also included.

Source: National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.

About Hospice Care

This web page from the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization provides an overview of hospice care. There are various sections within the web page that help readers grasp a better understanding of what hospice care is and how it can help those who need it. The different sections include: Choosing a Hospice; Frequently Asked Questions About Hospice; How and When Does Hospice Start; The Hospice Team; and Volunteering for Hospice. Frequently asked questions are included, as well as a worksheet on how to choose a hospice, a web link to find a hospice provider.


Top 10 Healthy New Year's Resolutions for Older Adults

This tip sheet from the AGS's Health in Aging Foundation discusses the top ten recommended healthy New Year's resolutions for the older adult population. Each resolution includes recommendations for how to carry it out.

Source: Health in Aging Foundation, 2020.

Tips for Managing Complications of Diabetes in Later Life

This tip sheet from the AGS's Health in Aging Foundation discusses common complications older adults with diabetes may encounter. For each complication discussed, it describes what one should do if they experience it.

Source: Health in Aging Foundation, 2020.

Winter Safety Tips for Older Adults

This tip sheet from the AGS's Health in Aging Foundation discusses various health problems and injuries that older adults may encounter during the winter months. It also discusses precautions to take to avoid the health problem or possible injury.

Source: Health in Aging Foundation, 2019.