Dementia Friendly Toolkit

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Mar 7, 2021 - 6:57pm CST

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This toolkit webpage offered by the Center for Aging Research and Education (CARE) at the UW-Madison School of Nursing includes materials and videos to build communication and advocacy skills to respectfully engage people living with dementia. Students, health care or other professional staff, family caregivers, local groups, or local businesses can use the materials or videos to learn more about dementia or share information with others in their workplace or community. Topics include role playing, communication tips, family caregiver tips, and more. Six role play simulations with facilitator and discussion guides, setting and equipment suggestions, and additional information about each scenario and links to community resources are available for purchase.

Source: University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Aging Research and Education.

Unknown Author
Communities & Population Health
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection