Changing stress while stressing change: the role of interprofessional education in mediating stress in the introduction of a transformative technology
The introduction of a transformative technology into practice settings can affect the functioning of interprofessional teams, placing stress on interprofessional relationships, thus slowing adoption and change. This study explored the potential of an interprofessional education (IPE) approach to mediate this stress and facilitate the adoption of a transformative technology- Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT).
Interprofessional teamwork in medical rehabilitation: a comparison of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary team approach
To compare multi- and interdisciplinary team approaches concerning team process (teamwork) and team effectiveness (team performance and staff satisfaction) in German medical rehabilitation clinics.
A cross-sectional study with a descriptive-explorative design. Setting: Eighteen medical rehabilitation clinics divided into two groups (somatic and psychosomatic indication fields).
The 18 head physicians or psychotherapists in the clinics and their complete rehabilitation teams (n = 824).
A participatory approach to interprofessional education research: students researching with their peers
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Student engagement in interprofessional working in practice placement settings
AIM: To investigate the nature of student engagement in interprofessional interaction while on placement.
BACKGROUND: Due to continuing emphasis on improving interprofessional collaboration, UK educational establishments are required to offer pre-qualifying health and social care students interprofessional education in order that they acquire relevant competencies. However, few formal interprofessional education initiatives occur in practice settings and little is known about pre-qualifying students' non-formal learning about interprofessional issues while on placement.
Interprofessional workshop to improve mutual understanding between pharmacy and medical students
To measure changes in pharmacy and medical students' physician-pharmacist collaboration scores resulting from a workshop designed to promote understanding of the others' roles in health care.
More than 88% of first-year pharmacy (n = 215) and medical (n = 205) students completed the Scale of Attitudes Toward Physician-Pharmacist Collaboration on 3 occasions in order to establish a baseline of median scores and to determine whether the scores were influenced by an interprofessional workshop.
Parent presence during invasive procedures and resuscitation: evaluating a clinical practice change
Parent presence during invasive procedures and/or resuscitation is a relatively underdeveloped and controversial practice. Much of the concern stems from the apprehension of the medical community.
To evaluate whether implementation of formal practice guidelines and corresponding interprofessional education would improve clinicians' sense of preparation and comfort in providing parents with options during their children's procedures.
Development and initial validation of the Pharmacist Frequency of Interprofessional Collaboration Instrument (FICI-P) in primary care
Existing validated measures of pharmacist-physician collaboration focus on measuring attitudes toward collaboration and do not measure frequency of collaborative interactions.
To develop and validate an instrument to measure the frequency of collaboration between pharmacists and general practitioners (GPs) from the pharmacist's perspective.
Multiprofessional education: improving care for acutely ill children
A three-year programme was established for practitioners who work with acutely ill and injured children and young people. Courses were held in urban and rural areas of Scotland and more than 2,000 NHS staff, including nurses, paramedics, doctors and allied health professionals, took part. Three-day training comprised clinical skills updates, scenario-based teaching and observed structural clinical examinations. As a result, NHS Scotland says care delivery to children, young people and their families has improved in community and hospital environments.
Development and validation of the GP frequency of interprofessional collaboration instrument (FICI-GP) in primary care
Existing validated measures of pharmacist-physician collaboration focus on measuring attitudes toward collaboration and do not measure frequency of interactions that comprise actual collaborative behavior. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop and validate an instrument to measure the frequency of collaboration between general practitioners (GPs) and pharmacists from the GP's perspective.
Reflections and unprompted observations by healthcare students of an interprofessional shadowing visit
This paper reports work from a Centre for Interprofessional Practice in a higher education institution in the UK that offers four levels of interprofessional learning (IPL) to all healthcare students. The second level (IPL2) integrates professional practice into the learning process, requiring students to shadow a qualified healthcare professional (from a different profession) for half a day. Students complete a reflective statement upon their learning experience on their return.