Interprofessional collaboration in family health teams: An Ontario-based study

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Submitted by Scott Reeves on May 19, 2014 - 2:55pm CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

OBJECTIVE: To examine family health team (FHT) members' perspectives and experiences of interprofessional collaboration and perceived benefits.

DESIGN: Qualitative case study using semistructured interviews.

SETTING: Fourteen FHTs in urban and rural Ontario.

PARTICIPANTS: Purposeful sample of the members of 14 FHTs, including family physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, dietitians, social workers, pharmacists, and managers.

METHODS: A multiple case-study approach involving 14 FHTs was employed. Thirty-two semistructured interviews were conducted and data were analyzed by employing an inductive thematic approach. A member-checking technique was also undertaken to enhance the validity of the findings.

MAIN FINDINGS: Five main themes are reported: rethinking traditional roles and scopes of practice, management and leadership, time and space, interprofessional initiatives, and early perceptions of collaborative care.

CONCLUSION: This study shows the importance of issues such as roles and scopes of practice, leadership, and space to effective team-based primary care, and provides a framework for understanding different types of interprofessional interventions used to support interprofessional collaboration.

Joanne Goldman
Jamie Meuser
Jess Rogers
Lynne Lawrie
Scott Reeves
Collaborative Practice