Leadership of interprofessional health and social care teams: A socio-historical analysis

Scott Reeves's picture
Submitted by Scott Reeves on May 19, 2014 - 2:22pm CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

AIM: The aim of this paper is to explore some of the key socio-historical issues related to the leadership of interprofessional teams.

BACKGROUND: Over the past quarter of a century, there have been repeated calls for collaboration to help improve the delivery of care. Interprofessional teamwork is regarded as a key approach to delivering high-quality, safe care.

EVALUATION: We draw upon historical documents to understand how modern health and social care professions emerged from 16th-century crafts guilds. We employ sociological theories to help analyse the nature of these professional developments for team leadership.

KEY ISSUES: As the forerunners of professions, crafts guilds were established on the basis of protection and promotion of their members. Such traits have been emphasized during the evolution of professions, which have resulted in strains for teamwork and leadership.

CONCLUSIONS: Understanding a problem through a socio-historical analysis can assist management to understand the barriers to collaboration and team leadership.

Please note: The full text of this article is only available to those with subscription access to the Wiley Online Library. Contact your institutional library or the publisher for details.

IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT: Nursing management is in a unique role to observe and broker team conflict. It is rare to examine these phenomena through a humanities/social sciences lens. This paper provides a rare perspective to foster understanding - an essential precursor to effective change management.

Scott Reeves
Kathleen Macmillan
Mary Van Soeren
Collaborative Practice
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