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Limiting life-sustaining treatment in German intensive care units: a multiprofessional survey


Deciding about the limitation of life-sustaining treatment (LST) is a major challenge for intensive care medicine. The aim of the study was to investigate the practices and perspectives of German intensive care nurses and physicians on limiting LST.


We conducted an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire survey among the 268 nurses and 95 physicians on all 10 intensive care units of the Munich University Hospital, Germany.


Where in the world is interprofessional education? A global environmental scan.

Despite increasing recognition for the importance of interprofessional education (IPE), little is known about where in the world it occurs, how it is conducted and why it is offered. This international environmental scan was commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) to answer these questions and inform efforts to support IPE on a global scale. An internet-based survey targeting educators and researchers in WHO's 193 Member States was conducted between February and April 2008.

Measuring interprofessional team collaboration in expanded school mental health: Model refinement and scale development

Expanded school mental health (ESMH) utilizes interprofessional collaboration to implement learning support and mental health promotion strategies in schools. This study reports on the early development and initial psychometric examination of a new scale, the Index of Interprofessional Team Collaboration for Expanded School Mental Health (IITC-ESMH), for measuring the functioning of interprofessional teams.

Interprofessional attitudes and perceptions: Results from a longitudinal controlled trial of pre-registration health and social care students in Scotland

This study made use of a controlled longitudinal design to assess the impact on pre-registration health and social care students of an interprofessional intervention on the attitudes to and perceptions of interprofessional ideals. Evaluation, over four years, of Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Podiatry, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Physiotherapy and Radiography students was performed using the adapted versions of the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) and the Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale (IEPS).

The development and initiation of the NSW Department of Health interprofessional Fetal welfare Obstetric emergency Neonatal resuscitation Training project.

BACKGROUND: The Fetal Welfare Obstetric emergency Neonatal resuscitation Training (FONT) project was initiated on a background of rising notifications of adverse events in NSW maternity units, the significant proportion of which were related to fetal welfare assessment. Aims: The aim of the study is to describe the development and introduction of the NSW state-wide interprofessional FONT project.

Patients' perceptions of the quality of care after primary care reform: Family medicine groups in Quebec


To evaluate how a primary care reform, which aimed to promote interprofessional and interorganizational collaborative practices, affected patients' experiences of the core dimensions of primary care.


Before-and-after comparison of patients' perceptions of care at the beginning of family medicine group (FMG) implementation (15 to 20 months after accreditation) and 18 months later.


Five FMGs in the province of Quebec from various settings and types of practice.


Nurse-physician relations and quality of nursing care: findings from a national survey of nurses

This article investigates the association between nurse-physician working relations and nurse-rated quality of nursing team care.The analysis is based on a nationally representative sample of registered nurses working in Canadian hospitals. Multiple logistic regression was used to examine the association between the quality of nurse-physician working relations and nurses' reports of fair or poor nursing team care on the last shift worked.

Medical students' attitudes toward collaboration between doctors and nurses- a comparison between two Swedish universities

The aim of this study was to investigate differences in attitudes towards collaboration between doctors and nurses among medical students in two medical schools: Gothenburg University (GU), which did not offer interprofessional education, and Linköping University (LiU), with a curriculum containing an interprofessional education programme; between male and female students; and between those with previous working experience in medical care and those without.

A longitudinal study of the effect of an interprofessional education curriculum on student satisfaction and attitudes towards interprofessional teamwork and education

There has been limited research on the effect of interprofessional education (IPE) over time on the attitudes of undergraduate health and human service professional students. Previous research in this area has suggested that students from different professions report differing attitudes towards IPE and interprofessional teamwork, and such attitudes may also be influenced by other background characteristics of the students themselves (e.g., gender, age).

Merging social networking environments and formal learning environments to support and facilitate interprofessional instruction

This study describes the redesign of an interprofessional team development course for health science students. A theoretical model is hypothesized as a framework for the redesign process, consisting of two themes: 1) the increasing trend among post-secondary students to participate in social networking (e.g., Facebook, Second Life) and 2) the need for healthcare educators to provide interprofessional training that results in effective communities of practice and better patient care.