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Nexus Distinguished Scholars- Archived Blog- November 2023.

Gaining a Seat at the AI Table

“You cannot enter a world for which you do not have the language.” - David Whyte, Irish poet

Kareem Eldahshoury - Nov 29, 2023

Understanding death, grief and mourning: a resource manual

Description of the Resource:

This comprehensive resource provides help for adults, teens, children, and those impacted by grief/bereavement associated with suicide and murder. 48 p. Co-Sponsored by Cornerstone of Hope and Cleveland Clinic.


Description of the Source Organization:

Cornerstone of Hope is a nonprofit Comprehensive Bereavement Support Center, Guided by Christian values of compassion and service, serving children, teens, and adults who have experienced the death of a loved one.

Teresa Schicker - Nov 28, 2023

Memory problems with your elder- တၢ်ဂ့ၢ်ကီဘၣ်ဃးဒီးသူၣ်က့သးပှၢ်တၢ်တိၢ်နီၢ်ဖံးဃာ်

Module 3 of our 3 Module Karen dementia education series. In this 14:02 minute video, Paw Bway Htoo gives an information on how to communicate memory issues with your docotor in Karen with the purpose of educating families and caregivers.

Dementia: Mood and Behavior (Dementia: တၢ်ပာ်သူၣ်ပာ်သး ဒီး တၢ်ဒီသူၣ်ဒီသး)

Module 2 of our 3 Module Karen dementia education series, in partnership with the Karen society of Nebraska and the Nebraska GWEP. In this 16:11 minute video, Iris Moo gives tips and tricks for caring for a loved one with dementa in Karen with the purpose of educating families and caregivers.

What is Dementia- Dementia မ့ၢ်တၢ်မနုၤလဲၣ်

Module 1 of our 3 Module Karen dementia education series. In this 7:23 minute video, December Faith gives an overview of dementia in Karen with the purpose of educating families and caregivers.

Advance Care Planning During COVID-19

This presentation (19:12 minutes) given by Jane Potter, MD on July 2nd, 2020 and the benefits of Advance Care Planning, especially in the time of COVID-19, and incorporating patient priorities into the goals of care.

Best practices for identifying dementia in non-English speakers

This presentation (36:18 minutes) given by Aimi Nelson-Sheese, PhD, ABPP-CN on June 4th, 2020 and discusses dementia diganosis and cognitive screening tools, specifically for non-English speaking patients and considerations that need to be made for these patients. The tests discussed include: MoCA, RUDAS, and IQCODE

Applied Integrative Strategies for Pediatric Anxiety

Applied Integrative Strategies for Pediatric Anxiety is a 3-day Virtual Workshop that you will not want to miss! You’ll learn from some of the best integrative providers about research-based complementary treatments such as nutritional interventions, mindfulness, guided imagery, and more. The goal is for you to come away with immediately actionable strategies that you can use in your practice with the next anxious child or teen you encounter. Up to 12 CME credits are available in conjunction with this event.

Site Admin - Nov 18, 2023

Care at the Intersection: A Case Study

As of 2021, roughly .05% of those aged 65 and over in the U.S. identify as transgender (Beehuspoteea & Badrakalimuthu, 2021) and that number is expected to grow (Baril, & Silverman, 2022). While there is some research addressing LGBTQ+ aging and many studies covering dementia, there are scarce resources at the intersection of dementia and LGBTQ+ aging. This case study seeks to close that gap and address some of the unique needs and circumstances of trans elders with dementia.