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E4 Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Disparities in Aging

The mission of the E4 Center is to engage, empower, and educate health care providers and community-based organizations for equity in behavioral health for older adults and their families. E4 will achieve this through the provision of education, implementation resources, and technical assistance regarding mental health, substance use, and their intersection with physical health. 

Interprofessional Faculty Development Cohort VIII- A Microcredential

The purpose of Interprofessional Practice Education (IPE) is to prepare health profession students for interprofessional practice by teaching collaborative practice competencies within the context of interprofessional teams. All health professions now require the integration of IPE into their curricula. Faculty and preceptors must be prepared to integrate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for effective collaborative practice into the curricula of both the pre-clinical and clinical years of training.

Site Admin - Dec 18, 2023

Age-Friendly Minnesota Needs Assessment Survey

This survey was developed as a resource to Minnesota communities undertaking needs assessments as part of their age-friendly efforts. The survey is organized into nine sections (eight topics related to age-friendly communities, plus demographics) and 44 questions, plus one open-ended question at the end of each section for respondents to free-write comments if they choose.

Source: Age-Friendly Minnesota, 2023.

Blog: Critical Success Factors Include Patient


Christine Arenson, MD, Director, National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


Kareem Eldahshoury - Dec 11, 2023

4Ms NAHCA Series- What Matters Most

Video 4 of our 4 video National Associaton of Health Care Assistants (NAHCA) 4Ms education series.

In this 15:23 minute video (recorded January 25, 2023) , Jane Potter, MD and Natalie Manley, MD, MPH, CMD talk about how discuss 'What Matters' to patients. This includes a discussion of the importance of aligning a patients health outcome goals with care, how to do so (including tools that may be useful in doing so). There are also several brief case examples included during the talk.

4Ms NAHCA Series- Mobility

Video 3 of our 4 video National Associaton of Health Care Assistants (NAHCA) 4Ms education series.

In this 19:57 minute video (recorded January 18, 2023) , Karina Bishop, MD, CMD and Natalie Manley, MD, MPH, CMD give an overview on Mobility, as it relates to elder care. This includes a discussion of proper gait belt use, how to ensure assistive devices, eye ware, and socks and shoes are appropriate to minimize fall risk, and an explaination "HEAR ME" abbreviation to prevent falls. Several brief case examples are also included.

4Ms NAHCA Series- Mind (also called Mentation)

Video 2 of our 4 video National Associaton of Health Care Assistants (NAHCA) 4Ms education series.

In this 19:09 minute video (recorded January 11, 2023), Jane Potter, MD gives a talk on Mentation. This includes an overview of dementia, depression, and delirium, specifically with how it relates to the elderly population. Several case examples are also discussed, as well as possible intervention strategies. 

4Ms NAHCA Series- What They Are and How One Affects the Other

Video 1 of our 4 video National Associaton of Health Care Assistants (NAHCA) 4Ms education series.

In this 20:14 minute video (recorded January 4, 2023), Karina Bishop, MD, CMD and Natalie Manley, MD, MPH, CMD give an overview on the 4Ms Framework and discuss how Medication impacts geriatrics care and relates to the other Ms (Mobility, What Matters, and Mentation)