Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
Designated as the North American Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Training Institute, the Gateway Geriatric Education Center at Saint Louis University provides training and support for Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST). CST is an evidence-based, non-pharmacologic, structured group or individual intervention for persons experiencing mild to moderate memory impairment.
Rapid Geriatric Assessment
The Rapid Geriatric Assessment (RGA) is a brief screening tool that:
• provides a brief, reliable method for detecting common geriatric syndromes, including frailty, sarcopenia, geriatric anorexia, and cognitive function;
• helps identify problems for which early interventions are most likely to be successful; and
• enables tracking of changes over time (annual screening checks)
Provider Resources for Dental Providers
ACT on Alzheimer’s and its partners strive to increase the capacity of dental providers to care for the growing number of older adults living with dementia and to support their care partners. This website provides training packages and resources for the entire dental team (DDS, DH, DT, DA and administrative staff).
Provider Resources: Dementia Education
ACT on Alzheimer's provides ready-to-use webinars and access to in-person training delivered by volunteer or professional trainers. These webinars are intended to provide dementia education to providers.
Source: ACT on Alzheimer's.
Video Tutorials: Cognitively Impaired patients and their Care Partners
Use these ACT on Alzheimer's® videos in your work with cognitively impaired patients and their care partners. Presented in clinic settings with real patients, the video tutorials represent best and emerging dementia care practices.
Source: ACT on Alzheimer's.
Dementia Provider Resources: Cultural Competence and Awareness
Understanding the ethnic or cultural background of an individual who is being evaluated for dementia is essential to accurate diagnosis and treatment. These resources provide a starting point for understanding norms and values based on a person's background.
Source: ACT on Alzheimer's.
Community Resources: Dementia Friendly Toolkit
ACT on Alzheimer's® Dementia Friendly Community Toolkit provides tools and resources to guide communities in adopting dementia-friendly practices. The toolkit is divided into four phases: Convene, Assess, Analyze and ACT Together.
Source: ACT on Alzheimer's.
Nexus Summit 2023 Seminar Showcase: Interprofessional Practice and Education Through a One Health Lens
This webinar is part of the Nexus Summit 2023 Seminar Showcase series. You may register for this and the other webinars in the Series here.
Series Description:
Ketamine as a Therapeutic Intervention
Learning outcomes:
1) Understand the effect of ketamine on the brain in the context of KAP
2) Recognize client factors that facilitate and hinder efficacy/appropriateness of KAP as a therapy intervention
3) Understand the screening, intervention, and follow-up process that differentiates KAP from other forms of talk therapy
Interprofessional Healthcare Education Networking Summit: Best Practices in Curriculum Design
The Quinnipiac University Center for Interprofessional Healthcare Education’s “Best Practices in Curriculum Design” Networking Summit will bring together college and university faculty for professional networking and the opportunity to create a resource bank of evidence-based literature to support interprofessional healthcare education and generate solutions for designing curriculum.