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Patient as Teacher

Patient as Teacher

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Sep 13, 2021 - 11:43am CDT

The Patient as Teacher program uses this patient-centred approach to promote and foster humanism in medicine. Patient-driven sessions are led by 2-3 cancer survivors who share their personal stories, experiences with the health care system, and perspectives on how their illness has impacted their lives. Students listen, engage in dialogue, and ask questions. This collaboration actively involves patients and survivors in the education process as partners in teaching, feedback, and evaluation.

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Partner Resources, National Association of Chronic Disease Directors

Partner Resources, National Association of Chronic Disease Directors

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Aug 23, 2021 - 9:07am CDT

CDC’s Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Aging Program and the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) partnered to incorporate brain health messages into existing chronic disease messages. The four rack cards and infographic are downloadable and include risk reduction messages about how the promotion of these behaviors can reduce risk for memory loss and promote brain health. Rack cards and infographic can also be customized to include your organization’s logo. These resources are also available in Spanish.

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Person-Centered Dementia Care in a Hospital Setting

Person-Centered Dementia Care in a Hospital Setting

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Aug 7, 2021 - 12:37pm CDT

This educational module designed by CATCH-ON is part of their Basics of Aging Program which provides education about aging and older adult healthcare for healthcare providers, other caregivers, families, and older adults themselves. This module provides an interactive image for participants to click through. By the end of this module, learners will be able to: (1) understand "person-centered" dementia care in the hospital setting; (2) describe how to communicate with people living with dementia in hospital settings; and (3) learn how to maximize function and safety in the hospital setting.

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Working in Teams

Working in Teams

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Aug 7, 2021 - 12:34pm CDT

This educational module designed by CATCH-ON is part of the Basics of Aging program which provides education about aging and older adult care for health care providers, other caregivers, families, and older adults themselves. By the end of this module, learners will be able to: (1) discuss the reasons an interprofessional team can provide better care for an older adult with multiple chronic conditions; (2) identify the roles and responsibilities of possible common team members; and (3) describe how the individual older adult needs determine who becomes a member of the team.

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Managing Multiple Chronic Conditions

Managing Multiple Chronic Conditions

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Aug 7, 2021 - 12:32pm CDT

This educational module designed by CATCH-ON is part of the Basics of Aging program which provides education about aging and older adult care for health care providers, other caregivers, families, and older adults themselves. By the end of this module, learners will be able to: (1) define multiple chronic conditions (MCC); (2) understand that MCC makes treating one illness at a time more difficult; and (3) understand that the treatment goal should be the older adult's quality of life. This module includes a resource list and is also available in Spanish.

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Normal Aging

Normal Aging

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Aug 7, 2021 - 12:30pm CDT

This educational module designed by CATCH-ON is part of the Basics of Aging program which provides education about aging and older adult care for health care providers, other caregivers, families, and older adults themselves. By the end of this module, learners will understand the changes that older adults may experience while aging including changes in: muscle mass, vision, hearing, taste and smell, cognition, sleep patterns, and metabolism. This module is also available in Spanish.

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Evaluating Memory Concerns

Evaluating Memory Concerns

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Aug 7, 2021 - 12:29pm CDT

This educational module designed by CATCH-ON is part of the Basics of Aging program which provides education about aging and older adult care for health care providers, other caregivers, families, and older adults themselves. By the end of this module, learners will be able to: (1) identify common memory changes that occur before families receive a dementia diagnosis; (2) understand the process of getting a dementia diagnosis from a health care team; and (3) identify resources for addressing a family member's ongoing care-related needs. This module is also available in Spanish.

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Minimum Competencies in Geriatrics for Medical Students

Minimum Competencies in Geriatrics for Medical Students

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Jul 27, 2021 - 12:31pm CDT

The American Geriatrics Society's (AGS) Advancing Geriatrics Academic Programs (ADGAP) has released new updated "Minimum Geriatric Competencies for Medical Students." The Minimum Competencies in Geriatrics for Medical Students, updated in 2021, are competencies that the graduating medical student, in the context of a specific older adult patient scenario, must be able to demonstrate, in collaboration with an interprofessional team when appropriate. They are based on the Geriatric 5Ms and adapted from the 2009 Geriatrics Competencies.

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Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Jul 27, 2021 - 12:24pm CDT

This educational module designed by Collaborative Action Team Training for Community Health-Older Adult Network (CATCH-ON) is part of their 4Ms of Age-Friendly Health Care Program. By the end of this module, learners will understand: (1) what mobility means; (2) the benefits of an active life for older adults; (3) problems that happen when adults can no longer move freely; and (4) ways to avoid falls and injuries.

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