New and Most Used Palliative Care Prognostic Calculators From ePrognosis

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Submitted by Death Dying and... on Nov 24, 2024 - 2:06pm CST

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This resource is designed to be a repository of published geriatric prognostic indices where clinicians can go to obtain evidence-based information on patients' prognosis. The information on ePrognosis is intended as a rough guide to inform clinicians about possible mortality outcomes. It is not intended to be the only basis for making care decisions, nor is it intended to be a definitive means of prognostication. Clinicians should keep in mind that every patient is an individual, and that many factors beyond those used in these indices may influence a patient's prognosis.

About this organization: The Palliative Performance Scale (PPS), a modification of the Karnofsky Performance Scale, is presented as a new tool for measurement of physical status in palliative care. Its initial uses in Victoria include communication, analysis of home nursing care workload, profiling admissions and discharges to the hospice unit, and, possibly, prognostication.

This resource provides additional calculators based on the following critera respectively: community dwelling, living In a nursing home, and being hospitalized.

Disclaimer: The information provided on ePrognosis is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and his/her own medical providers. ePrognosis was created with the support of the Division of Geriatrics at the University of California San Francisco. However, its content is strictly the work of its authors and has no affiliation with any organization or institution. 


Anderson F, Downing GM, Hill J, Casorso L, Lerch N. Palliative Performance scale (PPS): a new tool.

J Pall Care, 12(1): 5-11 Head B, Ritchie CS, Smoot TM. Prognostication in Hospice Care: Can the Palliative Performance Scale Help? J Pall Med. 2005; 8(3): 492-502

Alex Smith, MD
Sei Lee, MD
Eric Widera, MD
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