Interprofessional education in a rural clinical setting: case study

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Submitted by Jill Romeo on Mar 18, 2024 - 5:59pm CDT

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An interprofessional programme, with cohorts of students from six different health professions, was developed from an initial business case and implemented as one of two parallel rural sites. First-year results indicate significant community commitment and very positive student feedback in relation to local hospitality, feeling part of the healthcare team, learning from students of other disciplines and much greater appreciation of the rural health environment. Students report greatly increased confidence in working with Maˉori, and enjoy producing their community projects. Some students were concerned that they were missing out on their discipline-specific clinical experience, and changes were needed to ensure continuity in a ‘clinical home’. Capacity to take students on clinical placements is limited in areas with small populations. Providers and staff need continued support and ‘rest periods’ for sustainability.

Pullon, S.
McKinlay, E.
Gallagher, P.
Gray, L.
Skinner, M.
McHugh, P.
Collaborative Practice
Communities & Population Health
Education & Learning