HTVI: Healthcare Team Vitality Instrument

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Submitted by National Center... on Oct 9, 2013 - 3:42pm CDT

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The Healthcare Team Vitality Instrument (HTVI) was developed and revised to assess team collaboration and patient safety, with a specific emphasis on team vitality.  The shorter version was developed to assess the impact of interventions on team vitality.

The revised HTVI 10-item tool with a 5-point scale is used to assess health care team functioning. The tool has 5 subscales: support structures, engagement/empowerment, patient care transition and communication. The revised 10-item HTVI is a useful tool for assessing effects of improvement projects or other innovations for frontline healthcare workers.

This instrument is accessible through the Institute for Healthcare Improvement website.  Registration on the site is required, but free.


Upenieks, V. V., Lee, E. A., Flanagan, M. E., and Doebbeling, B. N. (2010). Healthcare Team Vitality Instrument (HTVI): Developing a tool assessing healthcare team functioning. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(1), 168-76.

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Tool Description

The revised HTVI  10-item tool with a 5-point scale is used to assess health care team functioning. The tool has 5 subscales: support structures, engagement/empowerment, patient care transition and communication. The revised 10-item HTVI is a useful tool for assessing effects of improvement projects or other innovations for frontline healthcare workers (Upenieks et al., 2010).

Country United States
Setting Hospital

Phase 1 and 2: Medicine, Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Physical Therapy, Assistive personnel (e.g. certified nursing assistants), Health Adminstration and other Health Professions


439 healthcare providers

Subscale(s) & Psychometrics support structures

Factor analysis accounted for 58% of variation

engagement and empowerment

Factor analysis accounted for 58% of variation

patient care transitions

Factor analysis accounted for 58% of variation

team communication

Factor analysis accounted for 58% of variation



Dr. Valda Upenieks
Assessment & Evaluation
Collaborative Practice
Outcomes-based Evaluation Tools