TCI: Team Climate Inventory

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Submitted by National Center... on Nov 4, 2013 - 12:52pm CST

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The Team Climate Inventory (TCI) was developed to measure team function. This tool can be used to measure proximal work group climate and team members' perceptions of climatic dimensions in organizational climate surveys, team building and development, selection of new members into groups, and group development over time.

The Team Climate Inventory  is a 38-item tool using both a  5 and 7 point scale. The tool is used to measure  team function. It has 4 subscales: vision, participative safety, task orientation, and support for innovation.

Reference Bosch, M., Dijkstra, R., Wensing, M., van der Weijden, T., and Grol, R. (2008). Organizational culture, team climate and diabetes care in small office-­based practices. BMC Health Services Research, 8, 180.
Tool Description

This modified version of the Team Climate Inventory  is a 14-item tool with a 5-point scale that is used to measure  team function. It has 4 subscales: vision, participative safety, task orientation, and support for innovation (Bosch et al., 2008).

Country Netherlands
Setting Primary care practices

Medicine, Nursing and  Practice Assistants


83 providers from

Subscale(s) & Psychometrics vision

Cronbach’s α = .91 Correlations: Between scales & measure=.75-°©‐.84 Individual factors: vision=.81, participative safety =.79, task orientation=.78 and support for innovation=.82. Individual factors r=.49–.53.

participative safety

Cronbach’s α = .91 Correlations: Between scales & measure=.75-°©‐.84 Individual factors: vision=.81, participative safety =.79, task orientation=.78 and support for innovation=.82. Individual factors r=.49–.53.

task orientation

Cronbach’s α = .91 Correlations: Between scales & measure=.75-°©‐.84 Individual factors: vision=.81, participative safety =.79, task orientation=.78 and support for innovation=.82. Individual factors r=.49–.53.

support for innovation

Cronbach’s α = .91 Correlations: Between scales & measure=.75-°©‐.84 Individual factors: vision=.81, participative safety =.79, task orientation=.78 and support for innovation=.82. Individual factors r=.49–.53.




Anderson, N. R., and West, M. A. (1998). Measuring climate for work group innovation: Development and validation of the Team Climate Inventory. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 19(3), 235-­258.

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Tool Description

The Team Climate Inventory  is a 38-item tool using both a  5 and 7 point scale. The tool is used to measure  team function. It has 4 subscales: vision, participative safety, task orientation, and support for innovation (Bosch et al., 2008)

Country UK
Setting Hospital management teams

Phase 1: Health Adminstration

Phase 2: Medicine, Nursing, Oil Company teams and Psychiatry


155 employees

Subscale(s) & Psychometrics vision

Internal consistency: Cronbach’s α each factor = .84 ‐ .94
Intercorrelation p<0.01

participative safety

Internal consistency: Cronbach’s α each factor = .84 ‐ .94
Intercorrelation p<0.01

task orientation

Internal consistency: Cronbach’s α each factor = .84 ‐ .94
Intercorrelation p<0.01

support for innovation

Internal consistency: Cronbach’s α each factor = .84 ‐ .94
Intercorrelation p<0.01


Neil Anderson,
Goldsmiths College, University of
London, New Cross, London SE14

Dr. Neil Anderson
Dr. Michael A. West
Assessment & Evaluation
Collaborative Practice