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Results 1 - 10 of 21 for "transformative learning"

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  1. AIHC

    The American Interprofessional Health Collaborative transcends boundaries to transform learning ...

    Site Admin


  2. Very interested in your topic

    Caring), complexity theory, and an education theory, (transformational learning theory). It should be ...

    Joannie S. Hebert, PhD, RN, CNE.


  3. Building Interdisciplinary Leadership Skills among Health Practitioners in the Twenty-First Century: An Innovative Training Model

    Resource Type:  Journal Article 1326 reads Transformational learning is the focus of twenty-first ... transformative learning. Author(s):  Preeti Negandhi Himanshu Negandhi Ritika Tiwari Kavya Sharma Sanjay P. ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  4. CAB IV Concurrent Breakout Sessions G

    Transformational Learning: A Case for Collaborative Change Leadership Programming for Interprofessional Education ... Interprofessional Education (IPE) Learning Activities: Examples from an HIV Program G12i Embedding Transformational ... Learning Theory into Practice: Outcomes of a 5 Year Study Measuring the Impact of ehpic™ –University of ...

    Collaborating Across Borders


  5. The interprofessional socialization and valuing scale: a tool for evaluating the shift toward collaborative care approaches in health care settings

    degree to which transformative learning takes place, as evidenced by changed assumptions and worldviews, ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  6. Collaboration, Coproduction and Social Innovation

    transformational learning and crossing boundary workshops, to achieve this. We present this within the context of ...

    Sarah Hean


  7. AIHC Affiliate Conferences

    Mission and goals are consistent with AIHC mission and goals to transform learning, policies, practices, ...

    Site Admin


  8. Health Professionals for a New Century: Transforming education to strengthen health systems in an interdependent world

    Equity health care reform education reform transformative learning Lancet Report ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  9. “The Power of Many Minds Working Together”: Qualitative Study of an Interprofessional Service-Learning Capstone Course

    practicum course, transformative learning was evident. Students articulated beliefs, emotions, and ...

    SLU Center for Interprofessional Education and Research


  10. Workshops

    Facilitate Transformational Learning Jennifer Evans DNP, RN Mary Rock, JD, MSN, RN Jody Delp, MEd, RRT, CPFT  ...

    Sadie Strassman
