Health Professionals for a New Century: Transforming education to strengthen health systems in an interdependent world

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Submitted by National Center... on Apr 4, 2014 - 3:07pm CDT

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The Lancet Commission, consisting of 20 professional and academic leaders from diverse countries, came together to develop a shared vision and a common strategy for postsecondary education in medicine, nursing, and public health that reaches beyond the confines of national borders and the silos of individual professions. The Commission adopted a global outlook, a multiprofessional perspective, and a systems approach. This comprehensive framework considers the connections between education and health systems. It is centred on people as co-producers and as drivers of needs and demands in both systems. By interaction through the labour market, the provision of educational services generates the supply of an educated workforce to meet the demand for professionals to work in the health system. To have a positive eff ect on health outcomes, the professional education subsystem must design new instructional and institutional strategies.

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Julio Frenk, MD
Lincoln Chen, MD
Zulfiqar A Bhutta, PhD
Jordan Cohen, MD
Nigel Crisp, KCB
Timothy Evans, MD
Harvey Fineberg, MD
Patricia Garcia, MD
Yang Ke, MD
Patrick Kelley, MD
Barry Kistnasamy, MD
Afaf Meleis, PhD
David Naylor, MD
Ariel Pablos-Mendez, MD
Srinath Reddy, MD
Susan Scrimshaw, PhD
Jaime Sepulveda, MD
David Serwadda, MD
Huda Zurayk, PhD
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning