Learning theories and interprofessional education: A user's guide

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Submitted by Sarah Hean on Jun 7, 2014 - 4:39am CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

There is increasing interest in the theoretical underpinning of interprofessional education (IPE) and writers in this field are drawing on a wide range of disciplines for theories that have utility in IPE. While this has undoubtedly enriched the research literature, for the educational practitioner, whose aim is to develop and deliver an IPE curriculum that has sound theoretical underpinnings, this plethora of theories has become a confusing, and un-navigable quagmire. This article aims to provide a compass for those educational practitioners by presenting a framework that summarizes key learning theories used in IPE and the relationship between them. The study reviews key contemporary learning theories from the wider field of education used in IPE and the explicit applications of these theories in the IPE literature to either curriculum design or programme evaluation. Through presenting a broad overview and summary framework, the study clarifies the way in which learning theories can aid IPE curriculum development and evaluation. It also highlights areas where future theoretical development in the IPE field is required.


Hean, S., Craddock, D., & O'Halloran, C. (2009). Learning theories and interprofessional education: a user’s guide. Learning in Health and Social Care, 8(4), 250–262.


Please note: The full text of this article is only available to those with subscription access to the Wiley Online Library.

Sarah Hean
Deborah Craddock
Cath O'Halloran
Assessment & Evaluation