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Results 1 - 10 of 857 for "tool"

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  1. criteria for tool selection

    Hello, I am interested in finding the criteria you have used for tool selection for IPCP practice. ... How do I access that information. I have the tools you selected. Also, What is the best way to share ... a tool, we are using and what information would like us to submit with that tool? Julie LaMothe Log in or ...

    julie LaMothe


  2. IPEC Competency Self-Assessment Tool

    program level through individual student self-assessment. Specifically, the tool measures students' ... exploratory study of an assessment tool derived from the competencies of the Interprofessional Education ... The original tool measured four domains (to reflect the IPEC core competency domains), with each ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  3. Preceptors in the Nexus Toolkit

    of tools that support and enrich interprofessional practice and education to enhance patient care and ... the learner experience. You can use any or all of the tools in a variety of settings- everything is ... customizable! The tools are available in a variety of formats: web-based modules for preceptor development ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  4. Performance Assessment Communication and Teamwork Tools Set (PACT)

    Zierler, B. 18978 reads Overview:  The PACT Tool set was designed by faculty and staff at the University of ... Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety" (TeamSTEPPS®) model as a guiding framework.  The ... rating tools developed for raters with different levels of experience.  All five tools contain items that ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  5. CPAT: Collaborative Practice Assessment Tool

    Resource Type:  Tool 20362 reads CPAT was developed to assess levels of collaboration intended to ... providing opportunities for focused educational interventions. The Collaborative Practice Assessment Tool ... (CPAT) is a 57-item tool with a 7-point scale that assesses  collaborative practice. The tool has ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  6. Evaluating Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice: What Should I Consider When Selecting a Measurement Tool?

    assessment, it does not make recommendations on specific tools or tell individuals what to measure. Instead ... the primer guides readers on what to look for when selecting a tool, the importance of defining ... purpose and how to assess a tool’s evidence of validity.   While relevant to all individuals involved in ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  7. Assessment & Evaluation Start

    priority as we revamped the collection of tools and content on this site. We’ve put together a background ... document that helps clarify our rationale and approach.   Expand/Collapse all FAQ If a measurement tool is ... on your website, does that mean I can use it? Yes, if there is a PDF of the tool linked to its ...

    Site Admin


  8. About the National Center

    tools that can be used to measure the overall effectiveness of interprofessional practice and education. ...

    Site Admin


  9. editing tool that was submitted and tools for teamstepps


    I have submitted a tool to resourse exchange SOS survey , am I able to edit or upload supportive ... documents. When will we know if it has been reviewed? Can we use tools not on national centers list? We are ... going to implement teamstepps, they have 2 tools T-Taq, and T-TPQ, has the center looked at these tools ...

    julie LaMothe


  10. Communication Assessment Tool- Team (CAT-T)

    instrument, "Communication Assessment Tool (CAT)," in which patients rated the communication skills ... study using the Communication Assessment Tool- Team (CAT-T).   Pt Educ Couns, 73:220-223. The original ... communication skills: development and testing of the Communication Assessment Tool.  Patient Educ Couns. ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


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