Evaluating Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice: What Should I Consider When Selecting a Measurement Tool?

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Submitted by National Center... on Mar 20, 2015 - 8:15am CDT

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This National Center-commissioned monograph provides basic information about good practices and processes in measurement instrument selection, development and use.

Viewed as a “primer” on interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) evaluation and assessment, it does not make recommendations on specific tools or tell individuals what to measure. Instead the primer guides readers on what to look for when selecting a tool, the importance of defining purpose and how to assess a tool’s evidence of validity.

While relevant to all individuals involved in IPECP, those new to the field will find it provides a solid foundation for understanding the ins and outs of measurement.

Among the topics covered:

  • What is Validity and Why Does it Matter?
  • Five Sources of Validity Evidence
  • How Much Validity Evidence Should a Tool Have?
  • Things to Consider When Selecting a Tool
  • Glossary of Measurement Terms
  • Rules of Thumb When Appraising Validity Data
  • Common Threats to Validity

The primer can be used in conjunction with the National Center’s growing list of measurement instruments, a selected collection of existing IPECP tools that met specific criteria related to content, use, adaptability and availability, among others.  Individuals can sort the measurement instruments by purpose, outcome, subject, author and subscale, making it easier to find and select a tool to meet his or her needs.

Connie C. Schmitz
Michael J. Cullen
Assessment & Evaluation
Education & Learning
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National Center Publications
Outcomes-based Evaluation Tools