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Results 1 - 10 of 24 for "pre-registration"

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  1. Interprofessional attitudes and perceptions: Results from a longitudinal controlled trial of pre-registration health and social care students in Scotland

    This study made use of a controlled longitudinal design to assess the impact on pre-registration ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. Evaluation of a multifaceted pre-registration interprofessional education module

    PubMed URL: 1073 reads Author(s):  Owens, Melissa Dearnley, Chris Plews, Caroline Greasley, Pete Journal Citation:  Journal of Interprofessional Care. 24(4):460-2, 2010 Jul. Lit Review Attributes:  Assessment/ev ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  3. Interprofessional education in pre-registration courses: A CAIPE guide for commissioners and regulators of education

    Interprofessional Education: Offers a working knowledge of IPE between pre-registration courses for medical, health, ... Pre-registration courses are at different stages in developing IPE. Some may still be at the 'add-on' ... pre-registration professional courses for a number of professions. No two arrangements for including IPE are the ...

    Hugh Barr


  4. Developing interprofessional education in the pre-registration curricula: mission impossible?

    registration. It is interesting, therefore, to note that pre-registration interprofessional education has ... education in the pre-registration sector. In posing the question, 'pre-registration interprofessional ... placements can be an achievable goal for the pre-registration curricula. Please note: The full text of this ...

    Scott Reeves


  5. Creating conditions for successful pre-registration IPE in rural New Zealand workplace settings

    pre-registration students. Successful, sustainable IPE initiatives require upfront investment of time and resources ...

    Jill Romeo


  6. Forming inter-institutional partnerships to offer pre-registration IPE

    Resource Type:  Journal Article 312 reads IPE programs for pre-registration health science ...

    Jill Romeo


  7. EIPEN 2017 Conference

    than 500€ later on in 2017). Institutions can at once take a bundled pre-registration for more persons ... at the same time and inform us about the names of the participants later. Pre-registration ...

    Sadie Strassman


  8. Longitudinal impact of interprofessional education on attitudes, skills and career trajectories

    & Learning Additional Tags (Optional):  Interprofessional education pre-registration IPE ...

    Jill Romeo


  9. Learning for real life: Patient-focused interprofessional workshops offer added value

    types of IPE, under what circumstances, produce what type of outcomes? DESIGN: Pre-registration house ... officers (PRHOs), student nurses and pre-registration pharmacists attended a series of 3 workshops intended ...

    Jill Thistlethwaite


  10. Collaborative Care Curriculum Framework

    pre-registration Collections:  ANZAHPE ...

    Jill Romeo
