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Results 1 - 10 of 19 for "Physician Assistant students"

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  1. Physician assistant student exposure to the long-term care setting by working with a consultant pharmacist

    PURPOSE: Physician assistant (PA) students need exposure to a wide range of clinical settings including long-term care (LTC); however, finding consistent educational LTC opportunities is difficult. This article describes a unique, replicable, educational ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. Interprofessional education: cooperation among osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, and physician assistant students to recognize medical errors

    Thirty-nine volunteer students from 3 health science colleges at Touro University California participated in an exercise designed to promote interprofessional collaboration. In the event, thirteen 3-person multidisciplinary teams of students identified po ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  3. Knowledge and Attitude Change in Physician Assistant Students After an Interprofessional Geriatric Care Experience: A Mixed Methods Study

    outcomes on Physician Assistant students of a longitudinal geriartics IPE curriculum for 5 health ...

    Desiree Lie


  4. Physician assistant students' views on interprofessional education: A focus group study

    Resource Type:  Journal Article 1484 reads PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify and report physician assistant (PA) student experiences, learning, and opinions regarding interprofessional education (IPE). METHODS: A series of open-ended ques ...

    Desiree Lie


  5. Interprofessional Education: What Measurable Learning Outcomes Are Realistic for the Physician Assistant Profession?

    physician assistant student attitudes at program entry and at graduation, using the RIPLS and IEPS, and ... Assistant students attitudes toward interprofessional education ... Subject:  Assessment & Evaluation Education & Learning Additional Tags (Optional):  Physician ...

    Desiree Lie


  6. Sierra Cuppett

    Sierra Cuppett's picture

    Degree & Credential:
    Title: Physician Assistant Student
    Organization: Shenandoah University
    Contact: not available

  7. The virtual 4Ms: A novel curriculum for first year health professional students during COVID-19

    pre-specialty in nursing, and physician assistant students at Yale University. This article also discusses the ... interprofessional Curriculum 4Ms geriatric education teaching medical students nursing students Physician Assistant ... students Collections:  Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  8. Introduction of an interprofessional oral health curriculum

    education curriculum model for our physician assistant students that could be adopted by other physician ... assistant students demonstrates that it was successful. It was well-received by the students and the faculty ... curricula delivery. CONCLUSIONS: Initial evaluation of this novel interprofessional curriculum for physician ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  9. A simulated interprofessional rounding experience in a clinical assessment course

    Interprofessional student teams consisting of pharmacy, medical, and physician assistant students participated in ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  10. Nexus Summit Workshop 10

    physician assistant students, nurses, nursing students, and medical students. The JFMA and JIMA Residency ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education
