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Results 1 - 10 of 64 for "outcome measurement"

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  1. Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMISE)

    Authors:  National Institutes of Health (NIH) PROMIS Health Organization 8660 reads Overview:  PROMIS® is a set of patient-centered tools that can be used to evaluate the physical, mental, and social health of adults and children.  The tools can be used w ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. PROMIS: Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System

    Resource Type:  Tool 11446 reads PROMIS® stands for Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement ...

    Jason Madrano


  3. The Short-Form (SF-36) Health Survey

    SF-36 health questionnaire: A new outcome measure for primary care.   BMJ, 305:160- Who is Being ... health benefits produced by a wide range of different treatments.  It could also be used as an outcome ... measure for studies of organizational or education interventions involving interprofessional collaborative ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  4. Tools from the Medical Outcomes Trust (MOT)

    and health care by promoting the science of outcomes measurement."  It was incorporated in 1992 ... Achieve standardization of health outcomes measuring instruments Advance applications technology for ease ... outcomes measurement with appropriateness, practical guidelines, and utility information (patient ...

    Connie C Schmitz


  5. Practical Steps to Address IPECP Implementation Challenges: The Loyola Experience

    Poverty Simulation PROMIS: Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System American Academy of ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  6. Key elements of interprofessional education, part 2: factors, processes and outcomes

    it gives the reader suggestions of outcome measurements that can be used within the proposed IPE ... Canada outcome measurement ...

    Scott Reeves


  7. University of Colorado: Pediatric Preventive Care

    habits and access to preventive health care. Outcome measures associated with asthma patients will ... spirometry. Outcome measures for the obesity-prevention patient cohort will include documented weight ... a weight management program. Outcome measures for health professionals working on this project will include ...

    Site Admin


  8. Open Session for Measuring the Impact of Interprofessional Education (IPE) on Collaborative Practice and Patient Outcomes: A Consensus Study- Presentation: Methodological implications for measuring outcomes of complex interactions like IPE and IPP

    Tags (Optional):  outcomes measurement ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  9. Evaluation of a preoperative checklist and team briefing among surgeons, nurses, and anesthesiologists to reduce failures in communication

    Outcome Measure The primary outcome measure was the number of communication failures (late, inaccurate, ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  10. Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century: Redefining Education & Practice

    initiatives Patient perspectives and outcome measures Program evaluation methods and outcome measures ...

    Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Education (JCIPE)


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