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Results 1 - 10 of 22 for "competency frameworks"

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  1. The road to collaboration: developing an interprofessional competency framework

    In the absence of an interprofessional competency framework in Canada, the College of Health ... article discusses the development of the "BC Competency Framework for Interprofessional ... Columbia (In-BC), the CHD compared and contrasted existing competency frameworks and consulted curriculum ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. Competency Framework: Collaborative Practice and Patient Partnership in Health and Social Services

    Resource Type:  Unpublished Document 869 reads This is an innovative competency framework ... this subject: the Canadian National Interprofessional Competency Framework (CIHC, 2010); the works of ... to adapting the CanMEDS 2005 Physician Competencies Framework (2013) the CanMEDs 2015 Physician ...

    Marie-Claude Vanier


  3. The rise and rise of interprofessional competence

    rise of competency frameworks in the interprofessional field. He outlines the growth of ... interprofessional competency frameworks and discusses some of the benefits they offer before examining their current ... still areas in which we need to improve to ensure the interprofessional competency frameworks we produce ...

    Scott Reeves


  4. National Center Journal Club #3: "Competencies and Frameworks in Interprofessional Education: A Comparative Analysis"

    interprofessional competency frameworks competency based education Author(s):  Jill Thistlethwaite Subject:  ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  5. Competencies and frameworks in interprofessional education: A comparative analysis

    interprofessional education (IPE) competency frameworks to provide a common lens through which disciplines can ... while critically appraising the concept of competency frameworks and competency-based education. They ... Capability Framework (United Kingdom), the National Interprofessional Competency Framework (Canada), the Core ...

    Jill Thistlethwaite


  6. Workshops dealing with conflict resolution

        Hi everyone   Many interprofessional competency frameworks include conflict resolution and ...

    Jill Thistlethwaite


  7. Interprofessional capability framework

    competency framework published in 2010 but describes interprofessional competencies/capabilities in the ...

    Margo Brewer


  8. The need to problematize interprofessional education and practice activities

    Evaluation Collaborative Practice Education & Learning Additional Tags (Optional):  competency frameworks ...

    Scott Reeves


  9. Call for Applications: Interprofessional Expert Panel

    Leveraging the IPEC Competency Framework to Transform Health Professions Education   Deadline ...

    Site Admin


  10. Interprofessional Socialization and Valuing Scale (ISVS-21)

    Interprofessional Competency Framework. Thus, all data were baseline data. Scoring:  For the long version, item ...

    Connie C Schmitz


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