Competency Framework: Collaborative Practice and Patient Partnership in Health and Social Services

Marie-Claude Vanier's picture
Submitted by Marie-Claude Vanier on Jun 30, 2021 - 5:24pm CDT

Resource Type: 
Unpublished Document

This is an innovative competency framework developped at Universite de Montréal (Canada), co-constructed by patients and family caregivers, educators, professionals, managers, and health and social services researchers.

In a collaborative practice and patient partnership approach, optimal provision of healthcare and social services inevitably requires the development and maintenance of competencies and a change in behaviours, both in practitionners and in patients.

The aim of the present document is to present these competencies. It is inspired by several works on this subject:

  • the Canadian National Interprofessional Competency Framework (CIHC, 2010);
  • the works of the Conseil central des competences of the Universit de Montreal’s Faculty of Medicine, with respect to adapting the CanMEDS 2005 Physician Competencies Framework (2013)
  • the CanMEDs 2015 Physician Competency Framework;
  • the Patient Competency Framework (DCPP, 2015); and
  • the content of the CSS courses (1900-2900-3900) for training in interprofessional collaboration in partnership with patients offered to UdeM undergraduate students in health sciences and psychosocial sciences

The proposed competency framework consists of a core competency with cross-cutting competencies that patients and health and social services professionals develop together over time, in carrying out their roles and responsibilities in various settings. Each competency is expressed as a set of capabilities, that is, of moderately complex actions, behaviours, or tasks. Each capability, in turn, is broken down into a set of observable actions or tasks (descriptors), which are verbal or non-verbal behaviours specific to the context of care and services. Thus, the core competency of planning, implementing, and monitoring healthcare and social services encompasses seven cross-cutting competencies that will be mobilized to different degrees depending on the situation. These competencies will develop more or less rapidly depending on the level of education, practice, or experience of the persons involved and on the complexity of situations.

This competency framework is intended for the following users:

  • the public at large (summary version)
  • patients and caregivers (family members or significant others)
  • health and social services practitioners and students
  • health and social services decision-makers
  • health and social services researchers
  • teachers in the fields of health sciences and psychosocial sciences
  • managers and decision-makers in health and psychosocial sciences education
  • researchers in health and psychosocial sciences education
Universite de Montreal, Unit for Patient Collaboration and Partnership, Faculty of Medicine
Universite de Montreal, Interfaculty Operational Committee for Training on Collaborative Practice in prtnership with Patient
Education & Learning
Patients & Families
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